Honest review after forcing myself to finish it...

Kuji October 21, 2019 12:47 am

It's pretty bad honestly... It's overly dramatic and often times does not make sense. The author also seems to have little to no knowledge on pregnancies.. If you're not willing the research properly, it's best not to use it in your stories.

As someone who's been pregnant/given birth twice and has done heavy research:

1. Pregnant women can have sex so them using the pregnancy as an excuse not the have sex was just weird... Unless it's a high risk pregnancy, orgasms are perfectly safe and healthy for women to have. It's good for both mom and baby.

2. Pregnant women are not handicap. Unless a medical reason arises, we can work until the end of our pregnancies if wanted.

3. Sure stress is not healthy for the baby but having a slight moment of stress won't put you in the hospital... It takes an incredible amount of stress to cause harm.

4. If she had an ectopic pregnancy, she would be much earlier in her pregnancy. That or she definitely wouldn't have felt a kick. That's for sure.. Ectopic pregnancies are 100% fatal for both mom and baby so if it was found, they would have performed emergency surgery asap, not a week or two later..

5. She's supposed to be early in pregnancy and yet she felt a kick and so did her husband?? What?! That's not how it works! The average time to feel kicking is give or take 20 weeks (5 months). You can feel movement earlier (around 16 weeks or so) but definitely not kicking The mom may feel movement, rubbing etc, but the chances of dad feeling anything is slim to none.

Other than the pregnancy stuff, I found the main character (dad) really pushy, controlling and annoying. The twists and turns were too smooshed together so it was hard to follow and enjoy.

Definitely not an enjoyable read and I don't recommend it unless you want to laugh at the bad story writing and bad translations.

    SpoonFlakes July 9, 2020 9:31 pm

    In some places, they recommend to not have sec in the first three months, as well as the last three

    SpoonFlakes July 9, 2020 9:32 pm

    Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) Sex*, not sec, lolヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~