I've been feeling uneasy since this noon, i dont know its a weird anxiety-ish feeling.I ha...

Tomboi™ October 20, 2019 5:46 pm

I've been feeling uneasy since this noon, i dont know its a weird anxiety-ish feeling.I have exam tomorrow but I can't keep my mind to study cus my mind's being racy? I'm literally doing everything to calm my mind down (this never happened b4) I took shower twice and took a break but ntg's helping me
This really sucks.Help me T^T

    Anonymous October 20, 2019 6:31 pm

    I was going to write the same thing everything was good suddenly I felt uneasy like there is something wrong the problem is I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING TO WORRY ABOUT OR THINK ABOUT AT ALL I even don't have school or college to worry about since I already graduated SO WHY I HAVE THIS FEELING !! and this isn't the first time this happen

    Anonymous October 20, 2019 6:46 pm

    Just breathe
    Workout and meditate ...
    I used to also take a shower when I’m anxious but showers always make me feel sleepy so I stopped specially in exam season.
    I learn how to meditate, 10 minutes a day and also learn how to do light fast paced work out (only 15 minutes aday)
    Trust me, I have anxiety and I am diagnosed with it and it helped me greatly ... even if u were only normal anxious this will help.
    Just learn how to meditate and work out and both of them will take 30 minutes max in ur day..
    About tmw’s exam, repeat after me, fuck grades, I did my best, whatever happens happens we are all gonna die anyways...
    it helps

    Anonymous October 20, 2019 6:47 pm
    Just breatheWorkout and meditate ...I used to also take a shower when I’m anxious but showers always make me feel sleepy so I stopped specially in exam season.I learn how to meditate, 10 minutes a day and als... @Anonymous

    I have to say I also take meds for anxiety but I don’t think (and I don’t hope u have a serious illness ) but those two really helped
    Also take a break every week (eat out, watch a movie)
    Learn ur ways to de-stress because in the long run u will be desperate for them ... we have differ t ways to de-stress ... search ur own and make it a routine .