but they will because they are nicer than most of the people here. they are very good people!

We are all a bunch of bashing trolls? We are horrible people? Well, aren't you a gigantic bitch, and YOU are judging US? Just becoz there are a bunch of ungrateful people on here that always complain about this and that does NOT mean we are all the same. You are a truly disgusting person for coming here and insulting all of us, take a hike!

@@Anon: You realized you just proved her point? -_- 1st anon was making an honest observation, probably from the comment below of the anon that insulted mika69mika for not sharing. There really are some rude people on here, not everyone of course, but her judgement wasn't random.
Why would groups want to share their translations when everyone here are all trolls and bash them. They work so hard and all you can say is that they are shitty. I hope they never share with horrible people like you