I had the same sentiments of those have to re-read the story again. So since I was so pissed at myself for not able to remember the story (since the updates were kind of slow and I have a very poor memory that I can't remember the characters which have similar features..) I re-read the whole story & save to an album the important plotlines so I can review the story easier without having to re-read it all. I just only have to read the previous few chapters to connect the current story
On the other note: on chapter 35.5 page 7 Doumeki mentions he doesn't want to depart from this world (Yakuza) since their world won't intersect, that's probably the reason he continues in the industry even if he can already start a new clean normal life.
I had the same sentiments of those have to re-read the story again. So since I was so pissed at myself for not able to remember the story (since the updates were kind of slow and I have a very poor memory that I can't remember the characters which have similar features..) I re-read the whole story & save to an album the important plotlines so I can review the story easier without having to re-read it all. I just only have to read the previous few chapters to connect the current story
On the other note: on chapter 35.5 page 7 Doumeki mentions he doesn't want to depart from this world (Yakuza) since their world won't intersect, that's probably the reason he continues in the industry even if he can already start a new clean normal life.