This nigga literally BEAT him, like with all of his fucking strength and power, and sat there after he was finished and only said "im sorry" when chiwoo got up drenched in blood and bruises. At this point am i reading differently then yall? I'm gonna keep reading this but for fucks sake the fact that you're all celebrating that he "atleast didnt rape him" PHEW i- WHAT? As if being hospitalised and gettig PTSD is any better. How did you read these chapters and come out happily about something regarding Jihyun? He BEAT him whats not clicking? And the fact that yall searching for the smallest things against chiwoo so your attraction to jihyun can be justified is pathetic. I don't give a fuck give me your horny and vile downvotes, atleast im a realist and hope for a better development for the pyscho in the coming chapters instead of reaching for the thinnest threads in chapters that were clearly made to make sure the audiance knew how much of an antaginast he is. I said what i said, i said what i meant and i meant what i meant, PERIOD!
This nigga literally BEAT him, like with all of his fucking strength and power, and sat there after he was finished and only said "im sorry" when chiwoo got up drenched in blood and bruises. At this point am i reading differently then yall? I'm gonna keep reading this but for fucks sake the fact that you're all celebrating that he "atleast didnt rape him" PHEW i- WHAT? As if being hospitalised and gettig PTSD is any better. How did you read these chapters and come out happily about something regarding Jihyun? He BEAT him whats not clicking? And the fact that yall searching for the smallest things against chiwoo so your attraction to jihyun can be justified is pathetic. I don't give a fuck give me your horny and vile downvotes, atleast im a realist and hope for a better development for the pyscho in the coming chapters instead of reaching for the thinnest threads in chapters that were clearly made to make sure the audiance knew how much of an antaginast he is. I said what i said, i said what i meant and i meant what i meant, PERIOD!