Uuuhh... this is my least favorite type of drama ( ̄Д  ̄) In real life people work th...

wakusei October 18, 2019 8:46 pm

Uuuhh... this is my least favorite type of drama ( ̄Д  ̄) In real life people work these kinda things out by talking and planning, but in comics they seem completely incapable of this.

    Charly October 19, 2019 1:14 pm

    Actually this does imitate real life. This is a conflict that sometimes puts a wedge between partners; it all depends on the individuals. Whether they’d be okay with their partner leaving, getting upset if their partner turns down an opportunity, or deciding to leave with their partner. There can be several outcomes.

    Sometimes when it comes to the subject of leaving for another country, it can ultimately lead to a breakup — I think that’s why Hyunho turned down the offer because he and Gyul are still fresh in their relationship. But Gyul already has a bit of a complex and he gets easily irritated so...hm.