actual same with chapters

aggravated seme October 18, 2019 5:05 am

does anyone know how to upload? because this work has been around for a while : o and I forgot I do have a few chapters past 16. And in case anyone is curious, there is only 1 season made (as far as I know). It has up to about 27-29 completed.

And (fair note): they definitely don't end up together (blaze and jason). It's kept as a guardian type of relationship! (which I love, cause Blaze T.T is an adorb dad)

    sun_bae October 19, 2019 12:36 pm

    Oh if you could upload any more chapters, that'd be great! To upload, you need to be on a desktop and press the flag button on the left side of the screen when you go to the page of the manga. There should be an option that asks you to upload after uploading the image onto Imgur.

    Thanks if you do manage to upload!

    vmars January 31, 2020 3:27 am

    omg pleae do! i want to know what happens!