Kinda interesting world but...

Shou October 17, 2019 5:46 am

I wouldn't last long in there where everything is taken by their face value, and no lies were spoken...

    Mavikelebek October 17, 2019 7:48 pm

    No lie part is okay for me but face... I wouldn't be more than servant of they look my face

    Pluanda October 17, 2019 10:32 pm

    Sounds to me like the fairy court. They can't lie, but they can just not say anything and still think up evil plans.

    Sachiko October 18, 2019 11:45 am

    Me neither. I have something similar to autism which makes it difficult for me to do daily tasks and control money properly. I would probably be given some kind of responsibility in a place like that but I would most likely fail and thus either have to lie (which I suck at) or tell the truth and get beheaded in either case.

    Shou October 18, 2019 12:09 pm
    No lie part is okay for me but face... I wouldn't be more than servant of they look my face Mavikelebek

    when everyone was regarded as equals maybe that world setting could work just fine, but when the society adopted hierarchical system, even to the most trivial things it would lead to chaos for live-survival.
    ... well, I mean, when there's 'superior person' that you don't like but you have to cope with their whims, antics, personality, etc... you don't have a choice but to create 'mask', no?
    when you slipped up, that marks your end.
    tho, yes.. no lies means no keep it bottled, that also implies that you won't ever reach a mental break down state because you 'just' say everything in your mind without filter but that also means that you're broken from the start.

    Mavikelebek October 18, 2019 4:08 pm
    when everyone was regarded as equals maybe that world setting could work just fine, but when the society adopted hierarchical system, even to the most trivial things it would lead to chaos for live-survival....... Shou

    I almost never lie in my life. My father never get angry when i made.bad.reuslts but he was always angry when i say lie my mom too. They always said even if it is the think we don't like don't say lie . Saying lie is worse than everything etc. So until i became teenage i dign even remember if i said any. After that i said i know and usually after that i confess almost everytime.But i get to use to say no sometimes even i want to say yes. İ don't consider it as a lie but changing my opinion when i talk with others. I try to never lie, so I'd i don't wanna answer some questions i usually don't answer rather than saying lie. Or one of my best method is changing subject or make a joke about your taht they wont have a courage to ask it again since they couldn't understand if i joke or not. Since i really avoid lieyinh even if it is for jokes etc i really hate when people lie

    Shou October 18, 2019 4:58 pm
    I almost never lie in my life. My father never get angry when i made.bad.reuslts but he was always angry when i say lie my mom too. They always said even if it is the think we don't like don't say lie . Saying ... Mavikelebek

    wow, this is becoming a share-and-consult thread.

    To be honest I envy people who could 'safely' grow in that kind of environment.
    my dad could be considered as 'good public figure' respected and awed by the society, but at home, nah. I don't think he's 'old styled' but he do have some problem regarding leading a proper family. He's just like the denizen of this manhua world: says anything that comes to his mind without filter, with short fused, emotional instability, and light-handed as bonus. He WILL blab every hurtful words possible without care and very soon forget what he said, when something went wrong he WILL blame it on others, never doing some self reflection. What can my mom, my sister, and I do when he will also snap when we 'opposed' his opinion even just a bit, was(is) to put on a 'mask'.
    another one of most horrible experience I had due to me voicing my 'true' opinion is an alienation from almost all males in my class during my college for full a semester. I just asked them to help the females committee organizing some content for interclassess comp that actually need more personnel, rather than sit and watch in the other place that needed fewer power. They got offended by my comment and bashed me via class SNS for a full day that day, and the 'leader' of that bunch decided to alienate me from the next day onwards.
    well, thst just my example of trouble due to hierarchical system.
    I'm not saying that people should telling lies, personally i liked it better when people to be honest and confront me directly rather than talking behind my back, but just maybe throw a curve ball or using some kind of modification in wording...
    but, mind you I never use hurtful words to any and every one of my 'conversation' partner, for I don't wan't to become just like them.

    Mavikelebek October 18, 2019 5:37 pm
    wow, this is becoming a share-and-consult thread.To be honest I envy people who could 'safely' grow in that kind of environment. Me? my dad could be considered as 'good public figure' respected and awed by the ... Shou

    Firstly I am sorry to open your family issues. I hope that issues can solve and he can understand where he do wrong. But your family is the most common family type i guess and normal too since our world is not same for everyone. I understand what happened in your class I think but one wise man said : dont say every truth everywhere . And sometimes some truth can hurt you so much instead of saying a lie you should try to soften it when you are saying because world is full of weird people that will offend so easily.but don't afraid of to say truth and what you believe. (Of course for some condition not say or soften it). You know it will be weird example but even you look at TV , movies ,books etc all this drama happens because of lies amongst people. İf we want to grow trust each other fistly they must trust us. We must change ourselves so that we can change others