Yeah, chinese comics rely heavily on their own brand of subtle 'reading between the lines' that we don't understand, and also all their tropes are just weird due to their wastly different culture. Not to mention the heavy censoring and whatnot. It's a hot mess. I usually always check the comments first when I stumble upon chinese comics, and this time they didn't disappoint in their critique yet again. Not sure if I will give it a try or not.
Dafuq? Whatever you just said made no sense. Literally most chinese comics ain’t got this subtle read between the line you just mention. They’re just downright bad. Also the censoring only occurs if it’s mature, which a small portion of Chinese Manhua are. What they are is trash that have no story, no plot, and a bizarre logic behind all of it.
P.S. I’m a chinese my self so don’t go telling me not to be racist, it’s just an opinion about most trash manhuas
it’s incredible, every time i read a chinese comic the story is always so bad and cliché it feels like i’m reading the worst fanfiction ever