The last panel either means “or so I thought” in a negative way of saying I might be w...

LoversSunlight October 15, 2019 11:36 am

The last panel either means “or so I thought” in a negative way of saying I might be wrong/I was wrong. On the other hand, It could be mean, “or so I thought” I don’t want sanada~kun to only continue liking me but also do many things together. More and more as we continue on ahead and pass all of these obstacles as we hold our hands tightly, never having the intention of letting go and create more beautiful memories just like what we have always been dreaming for. I do not want to believe on the first meaning even if it literally means that but even so, I’ll accept since i’m just a reader after all. I just hope they’ll be Okie and love each other forever, never letting go and trust their love.

    JustBeingMyself October 15, 2019 12:15 pm

    I was also thinking what he meant by that. Hopefully not something negative, but a new happy start

    Dakkea October 16, 2019 6:34 am

    It would also mean that they eventually’ll get busy to the point it becomes no time for each other.

    But while in the manga even he was replacing the memories, the best medicine is forgotting and moving on which he didnt. He constantly seek memories to replace these bad memories.

    Dakkea October 16, 2019 6:37 am

    Meaning in my opinion if they stop having sex, everything will fall at once.