Rape in stories

Bl is lyf October 14, 2019 3:51 am

Hi! I am opening this discussion since i believe MangaGoers are very diversed and critical, and we all have seen how we view and discuss certain issues there are on mangas.

So, after seeing a lot of threads in some manga/manhua, there are still some people who justifies rape with their argument that it's only fiction! or that if the person didn't "mind" it then it's not rape! A certain manhua's premise is literally rape where the girl's under the influence of drug and ML had sex with her, for everyone, is this rape or not? Now, what if we'll take in the factor of how it was afterward? So when the gurl woke up, she apparently didn't react in any violent manner or something, and thus other people justifies that it's ok since the gurl herself didn't mind.
Some questions i'd like to hear from everyone especially those who dont believe in sex in fiction, 1) How do you define rape? 2) What are rhe factors that make a sex into rape? 3) What makes it not rape? 4) Is everything justifiable/alright as long as it's fiction?

(this is why i love mangago aside from it's a manga website, you learn and discuss things with the other users! maybe i should make a study based on this website. if some also noticed, we can make a study of the readers development and the pattern of, if i dare say, the improvement of the readers social awareness based on the comment sections! or like the trend of readers comments, or like when did readers started to get out of the idea that no need to get agitated on fictitious stories!)

ANYWAY! Thank you to those who will answer! lezz begin!

EDIT:: i realized i asked some wrong question and missed my point due to my phrasing. to clarify on, i'd like to raise the issue of do we recognize rape in fiction the same way we do irl or not? because it seems like there are many times we missed it as such because it's just fiction. also coming from argument like since the character didn't mind it, then it's no rape (which also happens in real life but is more prevalent reaction in reading ) do we dismiss the event as no rape?

    t8nt3d October 14, 2019 2:12 am

    Please don't make a study on a website that hosts illegal and illegally pirated content, dear.

    shuizhu October 14, 2019 2:14 am

    Lmao, I can already see the paragraphs being typed in the replies. In my opinion, rape in manga it's pretty much ok, I mean it's fiction. If you get off on it, the you get off on it. People with the argument that it makes people do it in real life, I honestly think most people are mature enough to not rape someone because they read about it, even if there are 9 year olds on this site. If people read about ruthless murdering in a novel, do they necessarily go on a killing spree? I'd hope not.

    eurvixen October 14, 2019 2:38 am

    Well, I have just rewatched Hannibal for the second time and I'm not thinking of eating another human.

    t8nt3d October 14, 2019 2:40 am
    Lmao, I can already see the paragraphs being typed in the replies. In my opinion, rape in manga it's pretty much ok, I mean it's fiction. If you get off on it, the you get off on it. People with the argument th... shuizhu

    See the delineation there is that people don't recognize that something bad happens. With murder, you know it's bad because the consequence is easily visible. Murder = someone died. With rape, the consequences are all internal and it's a lifetime of suffering--and fiction just throws all that out like there's no effect on the victim.

    It's why even writers in Hollywood get a lot of flak for rape. The D&D brothers from Game of Thrones come to mind, where they didn't even realise that one scene was rape and even when the audience cried foul that it was rape they'd make reasons like, no it was passionate sex.

    koatemmie October 14, 2019 2:41 am

    So i am sorry bit i am going to answer that in portuguese cause is 23:00 at my country and I am sleepy but i wanna answer that ,pls use Google Translator ir something
    Então,eu acho que a comunidade em geral do mangago não justifica tanto o estupro como as outras comunidades que eu já vi,e o povo daqui parece ter uma consciência bastante alta , inclusive apontando obras que tem um caráter problemático mais oculto (o que me deixa orgulhosa dessa comunidade)
    é claro que tem alguns qu
    e justificam e hora ou outra aparece um mangá meio ruim em destaque (sim How to Obey eu tô falando de você) mas a comunidade logo corrige e os comentários floodam mostrando como aquilo é errado,eu vejo mais romantização de relacionamento abusivo e tóxico e estupro,etc,nem por partes dos leitores mas sim dos autores mesmo em manhuas(comics chinesas),não que mangás e manhwas não tenham ,mas não sei dizer parece que as chinesas é pior ,tipo os mangás são bem mais gráfico mas os manhuas são mais normalizado ,entende?

    Agora eu vou responder as perguntas,peço desculpas pelo texto mas é que a sua Quest me fez pensar e eu tinha que escrever eu tava com sono e nem percebi.
    1)eu defino como estupro qualquer ato sexual em que a vítima não pode consentir, parcialmente ou não,ou seja shota/loli-con é estupro,a pessoa tá bebada?estupro, relacionamento abusivo ? estupro.O parceiro está numa posição de autoridade que dependendo do contexto a pessoa não pode recusar? estupro
    2)quando o consentimento é duvidoso e quando,e a partir do momento que a vítima recusa ou diz não
    3)Quando a pessoa consente e tem total condição de consentir
    4)então ,eu não vou condenar quem gosta dessas coisas , é melhor ler um mangá shotacon do que ver pornografia infantil .... eu não tenho nenhum problema com estupro e etc desde que o autor tenha uma sensibilidade e não ROMANTIZE,acho que o problema não é o estupro e sim a sua romantização e normalização.
    Por um lado eu acho que se todas os mangás problemáticos fossem proibidos não ia mudar porra nenhuma o número de estupros ao redor do mundo
    Por outro não consigo parar de pensar que o artista de certa forma quando escreve,tem uma certa responsabilidade e influencia para a sociedade então quando ele for escrever sobre qualquer tema ele deve pesquisar e escrever com responsabilidade e um pouco de sensibilidade sobre
    E mano se vc tiver fazendo essa pesquisa eu estou torcendo para vc estar fazendo por diversão pq tipo isso aqui não tem nenhum valor acadêmico

    Bl is lyf October 14, 2019 3:12 am
    Please don't make a study on a website that hosts illegal and illegally pirated content, dear. t8nt3d

    Right! Thank god you pointed it out!!

    Bl is lyf October 14, 2019 3:25 am
    Lmao, I can already see the paragraphs being typed in the replies. In my opinion, rape in manga it's pretty much ok, I mean it's fiction. If you get off on it, the you get off on it. People with the argument th... shuizhu

    The argument, people Watch/read something make them do/not do it in real life, missed my mind. Wasnt thinking about it at all but i get the point. What about the issue of recognition... or in this case, recognizing rape as rape in the stories? based on the few replies, i realized i asked some wrong question and missed my point due to my phrasing. to clarify on, i'd like to raise the issue of do we recognize rape in fiction the same way we do irl or not? because it seems like there are many times we missed it as such because it's just fiction. also coming from argument like since the character didn't mind it, then it's no rape (which also happens in real life but is more prevalent reaction in reading ) do we dismiss the event as no rape?

    Bl is lyf October 14, 2019 3:29 am
    Well, I have just rewatched Hannibal for the second time and I'm not thinking of eating another human. eurvixen

    I think i missed the point of what i want to discuss due to my phrasing so, putting aside this point, how would you recognize rape in stories?

    Bl is lyf October 14, 2019 3:31 am
    The argument, people Watch/read something make them do/not do it in real life, missed my mind. Wasnt thinking about it at all but i get the point. What about the issue of recognition... or in this case, recogn... Bl is lyf

    i hope i make sense

    Bl is lyf October 14, 2019 3:33 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! shinks de coup

    since you raised it, maybe we can post a new thread for this!

    Bl is lyf October 14, 2019 3:47 am
    So i am sorry bit i am going to answer that in portuguese cause is 23:00 at my country and I am sleepy but i wanna answer that ,pls use Google Translator ir somethingEntão,eu acho que a comunidade em geral do ... koatemmie

    Thank you so much for answering! And i'd like to agree on the point of normalizing or romanticizing such issue mostly by the author and how it influnces readers in some way! There are very few authors who shows the real degree of such wickedness. It is also great to point out that we change also because of these kind of stories. We learn from these stories by recognizing its flaws and by other readers opinion.

    Bl is lyf October 14, 2019 3:49 am
    So i am sorry bit i am going to answer that in portuguese cause is 23:00 at my country and I am sleepy but i wanna answer that ,pls use Google Translator ir somethingEntão,eu acho que a comunidade em geral do ... koatemmie

    And thanks for pointing about the study! if i'll ever get to it, it will be just for fun :)

    kamisama October 14, 2019 4:14 am

    Why do rape arguments always pop up on the main page so often like seriously we've had debates about this so many just stop like geez

    isaigiati October 14, 2019 4:22 am

    eh, another....raaape discussion which will end nowhere

    Bl is lyf October 14, 2019 4:33 am
    eh, another....raaape discussion which will end nowhere isaigiati

    who says it ends nowhere tho? just because it was already discussed once, twice, or maybe 20 times, does it mean we don't have to discuss it any longer? but what about those who hasn't have a grip yet on what is rape? should they be left alone knowing misconceptions and faulty knowledge?
    In my case, i raised this again because manhuas, which have such trope, are growing in number and still a lot of readers do not recognize such flaws in stories.
    It's fine tho if you're tired of this topic, this is meant for those who would like to engage critically

    Bl is lyf October 14, 2019 4:33 am
    Why do rape arguments always pop up on the main page so often like seriously we've had debates about this so many just stop like geez kamisama

    just copy-pasting my reply here.

    just because it was already discussed once, twice, or maybe 20 times, does it mean we don't have to discuss it any longer? but what about those who hasn't have a grip yet on what is rape? should they be left alone knowing misconceptions and faulty knowledge?
    In my case, i raised this again because manhuas, which have such trope, are growing in number and still a lot of readers do not recognize such flaws in stories.
    It's fine tho if you're tired of this topic, this is meant for those who would like to engage critically

    Bl is lyf October 14, 2019 4:37 am
    just copy-pasting my reply here. just because it was already discussed once, twice, or maybe 20 times, does it mean we don't have to discuss it any longer? but what about those who hasn't have a grip yet on wha... Bl is lyf

    altho getting tired of this topic, and stopping after a few debate is problematic in itself.

    Bl is lyf October 14, 2019 4:37 am
    eh, another....raaape discussion which will end nowhere isaigiati

    altho getting tired of this topic, and stopping after a few debate is problematic in itself.

    kamisama October 14, 2019 5:15 am
    just copy-pasting my reply here. just because it was already discussed once, twice, or maybe 20 times, does it mean we don't have to discuss it any longer? but what about those who hasn't have a grip yet on wha... Bl is lyf

    Maybe you should create a discord/group chat or something then so people will always have a resource to debate because I've seen this topic come up too many times with the same type of argument; it isn't going anywhere.

    Just an endless cycle on repeat.

    Kurosan(cl) October 14, 2019 5:17 am

    Rape on manga or manhwa is a part of the stories so.. if some people want to remove that then the story will missing some plot