Who said it was his bff and everyone he talked with knew his was gay "he will get jealous" "are you really going out with him?" So kinda invalid af. Even if he did tell him, the guy that fucking broke the mans leg cuz he liked chiwoo (ONLY LIKED NOT KISS OR ANYTHING), would actually be ok with being rejected? Do you really believe that bs?

Never said the guy was a good person. They all have issues with anger and fighting.
But MC let him go to prison for a murder he KNEW his dick of a bff was innocent of because it was EASIER to go with the cops and everyone's suggestions that his BFF was guilty of murder than it was to explain WHY he got into an ugly physical fight with his bff.
That is the bottom line.
And after being released from prison for a murder he didn't commit all of his issues are worse and I can't blame him on that.
The one thing I don't understand is why he is still in love with the coward. I could understand him coming back for revenge...but because he still in love with him and wants to be with him? That is just...I feel bad for the idiot. Especially as it seems someone else is going to be his gay lover.
He is consumed with jealousy, rage, and wondering why he was rejected when he knows his bff is/was in love/had feelings for him.
And it just doesn't seem fair for him to waste his time on such a coward who fucked up his life.
He should someone else.

Explain how I am wrong.
The bff is a fucked up guy. He has issues. Not exactly a good guy either. But neither is MC and they were part of a kind of gang and got in fights.
But the bff is not a murderer or rapist.
The MC was his bff's alibi.
He KNEW his bff was not the murder because they got into a horrible fight over the bff confessing and MC refusing to accept it AS a confession and thus deny his bff is A) gay and B) in love with him.
And being the drunken, hormonal, rage filled violent assholes they are they got into a drag out fight about it.
BFF got tired of how MC was refusing to accept reality and just wanted to be out as a gay man who was in love with his bff (MC) mostly because he felt that MC had feelings for him too but was scared to admit it.
And he's right. MC knew that bff had feelings for him. MC had feelings for him too. But MC was so damn scared to get out of the closet that he would rather send his innocent of murder bff to prison than to tell a cop that he was his alibi because they had a fight over his BFF confessing and him rejecting not only the confession but that it was even a confession at all.
That is what set me off.
He told the cop he was his alibi and he ALLOWED the cop to talk him out of it because that would mean discussing WHY the fight happened and WHAT the fight was about and HOW LONG the fight happened this proving that his bff COULD NOT kill the guy he was accused of killing.
So he kept quiet.
So his bff was sent to prison for murder.
And he doesn't feel guilty at all about it.
That is what makes me so angry. He sent him to prison, he doesn't feel guilty, and he just wants his bff to go away all because he would rather not admit he is gay...

Wait for chapter 33.
Puppydog kisses MC and he freaks out and starts using bff to be a buffer against puppydog.
To the point that all three are in the same bed on a school trip holding MC's hands.
And of course it blows up in MCs face as bff and puppy dog get into a fight over him.
It's not just chapter 19 that set me off.
Although I still think it despicable how he lets bff go to prison. He could have told bff's dad the truth about how he was bff's alibi and his dad with that $ could have gotten him off.
Instead, everyone abandoned bff to prison for a murder he didn't commit.
One of which was that lackey he bumped into and most likely was the murderer.
And now the guy he is in love with uses him as buffer against another guy because he is a coward in the closet refusing to accept that his friend(s) are in love with him and that he might also have feelings for them too.
He knows bff's temper and jealousy and he deliberately pitted them against each other to keep puppydog from getting close to him.
After the latest chapter, 19...fuck the MC.
1) he is a coward in the closet afraid of acknowledging his feelings and that his bff is in love with him
2) after a night of drinking and his bff confessing he refused to acknowledge it as a confession
3) he would rather have a real horrible physical fight than talk about being gay
4) he fucks over his bff in the most horrible way by bailing as his legitimate alibi for the murder
6) His bff has every right to be pissed about everything that has happened AND to jealous AF for the fucking coward to get close to another guy who is OPENLY courting him while he sent his bff to prison for a murder HE KNEW HE DIDN'T COMMIT because it was easier than acknowledging his bff was in love with him for YEARS!
7) this is blood feud shit and I am siding with bff. He has issues but he is no murderer and he didn't send an innocent man to prison for a murder he knew he didn't commit because he was a coward in the closet refusing to accept the possibility of being gay
So yeah, fuck the MC. BFF should find someone else who would actually care about him, talk to him about his feelings, acknowledge his feelings instead of trying to dismiss them, and someone who most definitely wouldn't send him to prison for a murder he didn't commit.