My father has been calling me Illegitimate child,black sheep,daughter of a bitch,daughter ...

Anonymous October 13, 2019 12:14 pm

My father has been calling me Illegitimate child,black sheep,daughter of a bitch,daughter of Lucifer etc. Even worse to my mother religiously as he tries to get into an argument despite the fact--
1.)I wear decent and modest clothes
2.) I'm a good student
3.) I'm born after my mom & dads marriage

I haven't been talking with him since 2 years(literally no one in my family talks to him) because he tries to get into argument as he loves fighting. Yesterday, I studied till 3 am and I went to washroom to take a dump with my phone(I admit its a bad habit) and I heard him yelling. I washed myself and got out to see him yelling at my mom (who was asleep but he woke her up to cause drama) about the fact I took phone with me in washroom.He's claiming/assuming of his own that I'm sending pics of myself to peoples (I was reading manga actually) as I'm in my bathroom.Just then I slammed the rooms door and he opened it again and started to fit his whole disgusting slangs into one sentence. He called me slut and again illegitimate child,
that's when I got fucking pissed off and basically gave him a taste of his own medicine. I called him the same things he said to me---
"black sheep"
"You'd been going to foreign country to do illicit and promiscuous stuffs."
"You're giving birth to 10 illegitimate child"
"U watch sunny Leone & Mia khalifas porn at 3 am" "you stink of drugs who are u to judge me?"
"Shame on ya" etc...
I was crying I couldn't stop yelling all of it until my mom came and comforted me.That disgusting "dad" (my foot) finally stfu but later he started it again...I couldn't sleep till 6 am.My head is hurting like hell RN.My mother informed all of this to my grandparents and father said all the stuffs I said to him last night not the fact that I gave him a taste of his own medicine in fact he said all of these to me.I really can't anymore.What should I do? Please help me.....

    Yu Yang October 13, 2019 12:22 pm

    Seek professional help. I don't know any decent parent who would say those things, or let you be in that situation. Seek professional help from authorities.

    erz October 13, 2019 12:29 pm

    Can you stand on your own feet tho? If yes gtfo of the house and be independent. If you are in the legal age, you can always leave. If not, Get help from the law

    Hitomi Yagami October 13, 2019 12:35 pm

    The only I can think about is to hospitalize your dad... I mean, a person who acts like that and has such a paranoia going on his head to the point he disturbs other people's daily life needs to be treated by a psychologist or psychiatrist. And urgently.
    The healthiest thing would be divorce and kicking him out. But as you are saying you are quite religious family, don't think that's a real possibility... girl,once you start earning your own money, save and move.... give your farewells for good. I live alone since 16, and I can tell you its hard, but not impossible.
    Not sure why your mother keeps being with sb who treats his own family like that, but if no one is going to protect you, try to at least protect yourself. Try to talk to your mum, ask her why does she think he is being like that, if he has a problem with you, if she tried to stop him or told him to go to se an speciallist... i support you,girl. If anything send a message to my user

    Jimtober October 13, 2019 1:56 pm

    as far as your feelings go, the only thing you can do is honestly ignore everything he says. He's fucking delusional, and my father was too before he 'found god' or some shit and he used to say so much shit to me and he was physically abusive so belive me when i say you just have to ignore it. Its hard and a stupid piece of advice but you can't let what he says get to you. And call the fucking cops if he loses it again, what if he does something to you?? to your mom?? My dad had an episode(mf was schizophrenic and heard a mans voice and thought my mom was cheating) and we had to call the cops and got a restraining order against him. Do that if you have to, but honestly you have to make it happen yourself.Good luck with your situation & i hope things get better

    Kira-san October 13, 2019 3:14 pm

    listen i don't think u should ignore the things he's doing to ya cause sooner or later it'll get worse and worse worse case scenario someone might die (hope no one dies tho) look im not scarin ya or somethin but u better stop or put a stop to his doing....look your situation can still be solved unlike mine my father is an addict my mother often ignores me and my sibling are a pain in the **** well my parents would often beat me so im kind of used to it so i grew up depending on my self and i just ignore those heartless peps....don't let him do somethin much much worse than the thing he's doing right now you better find a way to put him behind bars....if i were in your position i would find something hard and try to threaten him or worse i could actually kill him i aint scarin ya...u need to know how to defend ya self and your fams...well im learning taekwando and arnis with my friends help...

    Anonymous October 13, 2019 3:19 pm

    This is all in the mind of your father and there may be nothing you can do about it. Know that none of the things he says are true. Do not take what he says as truth don't carve his negatives into your heart. Work to get out of that house, and on your own as soon as you can. If your mother can not help find friends outside you can talk to to help support who can listen or offer a safe zone. Keep your grades up so you can get a good job and get out. You are not what your father says you are remember that. the prob. is with him. stay safe always act smart.

    Kira-san October 13, 2019 3:22 pm

    i think the reason ure mother doesn't want to get divorce is because of your younger siblings (just a guest tho ) well my father is lazy so i dont give a fuck about him as for my mother always compare me to other good people and tries to beat me and she always say that "get a good grade even tho im the highest in the class she still pushes me to something im not so then i learn to defend my self by becoming a so call black sheep of the fam i started to raise my voice agains my parents and disrespects my older brothers..but hey is it my fault to try and adapt so that i can survive in this world? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Tryanotheronetheysaid October 13, 2019 4:06 pm

    Like what the other's said, I too think it's paranoia, or some mental sickness or effects of drugs and alcohol. Get him some medical help. And you should too, like a bit of therapy, or just let someone listen to you. If this goes on long enough both you and your father are gonna end up in a pretty bad state. Divorce is also an option, but how do you know he's not gonna look for you and your mom? If he's really going too far, have him reported to the government. Not seeking help from others could worsen your situation, holding it in sometimes doesn't help. Please seek out for help in your place, some people here online can only give advice, people like me. There, you can actually get things done. Don't feel bad about making a move. And I'm sorry if I gave you this type of advice. I'm also not too sure what your supposed to do at times like these.

    Anonymous October 13, 2019 4:32 pm

    Sorry that you are experiencing this. Presumably you are at high school, there should be authority figures who you can make contact with (even your class tutor), who will hopefully intervene in terms of safeguarding and offer you counselling.

    Kira-san October 13, 2019 4:43 pm

    i hope you will make a good decision...remember to cry too it's not good for you and your body if your keeping it all to yourself cause it'll hurt more if you try to hide it.