Please dont read this if you are easily triggered. I dont want to upset anybody.

Sad-act October 12, 2019 10:44 pm

Hi, everyone.
I dont normaly do this, and I'm not really sure what to say. But I saw somthing today and im not coping very well with it. I don't know if what I'm feeling right now is normal. Or maybe I'm over reacting. But my partner doesn't seem to feel the same way that I do.
Right now hes asleep and I'm lying here and the image of it just keeps flashing in my head. I feel sick and scared and stupid because he seems fine. I just want someone to talk to. But I dont want anyone to worry about me. I was wondering if anyone had had a similar experience and could give me some advise.

I saw a guy get hit by train. I saw his body by the track. Our train was on the next track and we had to emergency stop. He was there and we were stuck with him just there. I cant get his face out of head and the way his body looked. I've tried to find somthing to give me advise and to tell me that's it's normal to feel but i cant find anything. This is my last ditch effort and something.

I'm sorry if this is upsetting and I know it's not not really relevant. I just needed to say it.

    Moonlight-uh October 12, 2019 10:59 pm

    Don't worry too much about it. This happens every day in India lol

    kamisama October 12, 2019 11:07 pm
    Don't worry too much about it. This happens every day in India lol Moonlight-uh

    Well are they from India? And I can't believe that happens everyday. That's terrible

    Lingling October 12, 2019 11:08 pm

    Well I dont have any similar experiences as u do right now but I think Its normal to feel scared after u seen something like that. Just do something that will make u forget this incident ever happend. Don't worry u will be fine in a week

    leealice October 12, 2019 11:08 pm

    you're not overreacting at all but that doesn't mean your partner is underreacting, you just have a different way of processing what just happened, and that happens to be a very common way of handling it, alot of people i'd even say the majority of people would have a closer reaction and after effect to what you have. so please don't feel as if you are overreacting.
    Your partner just has a different way of processing things and is most likely dealing with it in his own way and perhaps sleeping and taking a nap helps him.
    You obviously saw something terrifying and your reaction is totally normal. I'm not sure what advice I can give to you to do after witnessing such a thing, but if you as if the image won't leave your head, just talk to someone about it, whether that be your partner a family member or a close friend, don't think about worrying them, I'm sure if they're close to you they wont mind talking to you about this at all. But if you don't want to talk to them about it because you don't want to worry them then that's up to you but again, if you are close I'm sure they'd be quite touched that you went and talked to them about something sensitive and that you trust them, but if you still think you don't want to tell a family member or friend then that's fine.
    I'm not sure what advice I can give but I can certainly listen and hear where you are coming from and talk to you and try to give advice.
    I hope this was useful, and I hope you're ok.

    Sad-act October 13, 2019 8:02 am

    Thank you everyone. I was really nervous and thought someone might make fun. I dont know why. Just knowing that what I'm feeling is normal has helped me tons. And I'm glad I've got a place I can come to for help.
    Thanks again.