Don't do this to me~ >. <

I'm sure someone wouldn't have sex withe another person if they had diarrhea.

lol, been thinking that a loooong time ever since i started reading yaoi. like what if the uke did not prepare himself and the seme got you know what goes next. but i just forgot about that, this is manga were talking about lolz

DON'T RUIN MY FANTASY! *begins to cry*
Jk....but seriously? the seme would have find something wrong with the uke through out the day, or the uke would have tell seme. and this is not reality...have you seen in a yaoi manga/ manga that contain sex scene, have anyone shitting in the toilet? if you did....tell me....

...isn't yaranaika pretty close to that?

I just read it...i opened a door that i should have not...

Noooooooooooo... Something cannot be unseen!

Don't... just, DON'T. Don't look. Don't search. Curiosity is a good thing but only when it's contained and controlled.
Unless you're into scat.
But still. DON'T.

O.o.....why...are you so evil? Why must you put this horrible imagery in our heads?! My God.... -_-

LOL that is an interesting thought but this is manga and even in reality i don`t think that would happen

haha,what an awesome reply comments

Uhh... I do wonder what would happen if the uke felt like that... but I try not to. @_@

can u give me a link to that manga?
if he has diarrhea well the semes cock when it split from inside the uke it will be covered in shit , liquid shit and smelly but they can change the sheets and take a shower, the seme cleans the uke with his hands which also would be covered in shit but they're under water. the thing is if they are in a place with no access to water they will have to bear with the smell

Well, that's disturbing but then my mind goes to 'what would happen if the uke farted during sex?' Would the seme's little friend get farted out of the uke too? >_> I'll go die of laughter now...

OMG I read a one-shot like that. ~x~

oh my gosh ... the comment from Anonymous with the fart during sex just made my day... just the thought of it made me die of laughter XD

Well, I died.

OMG this is GROSS!!!!
It's just happened in my mind, What would happen if the uke had diarrhea while they are having sex? :D