*thankfully my LGBTQ+ friends aren't rude like your ass. Sorry
that was a typo.

I don't get why you are ranting about it here if it happen on instag. there are a lot of diff. groups out there who don't like straight people some of them don't even like some groups of gays. bec. they are not their kind of gay. there is not one group of anything out there. That is why iI laugh when i see i represent gay people post , here is none. People act like they can't hate, they can. you just had your first wake up call.

first of all, heterophobia doesn't exist. Second of all, I truly am sorry that you had a bad experience but as you said, not all lgbt+ people are like that. No matter the case or situation is *never* alright to tell someone to die, not irl or the internet. But please dont ever say that heterophobia exists because it doesn't, a death threat or telling someone to die is just bullying and offensive, but it's not heterophobia. Please don't use that word when actual homophobia still exists and is very cruel in this world.

Heterosexuality is still a sexuality. Dont use your oppressive points to openly hate people and claim victim hood. It's like saying black people cant be racist. Gtfo

It is not a real ,but people will try to make it so,

When a gay person hates a straight person for not being gay, it's real. When a gay person thinks their sexuality is superior to that of a heterosexual, it's real. Please stop excusing blatant disgusting behavior. You dont get a free pass just because you're gay. I think people from both sides of the sexuality need to wake up and realize both sides are contributing to the problem. Stop blaming straight people for your hideous behavior. Straight also need to stop hating gay people. With all this hate cycling around, no wonder we haven't gotten anywhere.

Yeah, LGBT people can hate but straight people can’t. After all, they can always pull the victim card even if they’re being shitty and call you homophobic because you’re not gay
Of course, it doesn’t include rational and mature LGBT people, although they’re rational enough to understand who i’m talking about

Heterophobia exists because straight people are tired of gay people pulling the victim card

I genuinely cant understand if you guys are trolling me or not, please put me under r/whoosh if you are. Heterophobia per se does NOT exist. Just like reverse racism. Of course in the actual term of "phobia" I presume there would be people lgbt+ or not who genuinely are scared of het person but that's a case apart. There might be people (quite a few) who do actually hate hets but it's not called heterophobia, that's just pure hate (caused by other homophobic people ofc) and if bullying and violence gets in, then it can be persued by law but you surely cannot appeal in court for "heterophobia" because that word simply does not exists. Just like you can't say "racist towards white people", it's called discrimanatory or hateful.

You sound pretty heterophobic to me

Yeah so a straight person isn't being homophobic when they flinch in disgust at the sight of a gay person, that's just being "hateful." Homophobia technically doesn't even exist, by your logic. Feel free to wooosh me too if I'm missing your joke. Btw, the word doesn't exist and isn't recognized, but the actions already define the word. The word wouldn't have been coined if the actions of certain people in the LGBT community weren't so obvious.

So, hating a homosexual person because of their sexuality is in fact homophobia, BUT hating a heterosexual person person because of their sexuality is NOT heterophobia? No my friend, that’s pure stupidity. You can’t justify generalization. Not all straight people are homophobic. And what you said, is exactly why people are starting to take LGBT community less seriously and it’s more of a meme nowadays. I just feel bad for those who in the community who have a brain and have to be in the same place as you guys. And then again, same with homophobia. There are few people who literally *fear* homosexual people, it’s just hate. Also, speaking of court, the court in my county executes gay people, does it mean it’s the right thing to do?
Alright, someone just told me to fucking die for being straight.
Sorry for not being LGBTQ+ ig lmao.
Fuck you and your fucking heterophobic ass. Thankfully your ass isn't as rude as my other LGBTQ+ friends.
Why is it that people immediately assume you might be a homophobe if you're hetero?? i dont understand. fuck you istg. I have nothing against lgbtq+ ppl and fucking love them. they're giving me LIFE- they're wonderful people and it's awesome that they can be whoever they wanna be. but i dont need to be LGBTQ+ just cos they are..
excuse me if this seemed aggressive. I meant the ''fuck you'' to that one person. Not you guys who are innocent lmao.
*SHaRP exhALE*
people are fucking irritating. ( ̄- ̄)