
rslee October 9, 2019 7:46 pm

It'll be so muuuch entertaining if the author wrote a sequel about Byul finding his own omega partner and that partner acts like an omega (like his mom) then he'll be like his dad. Hahhahahaha.

(Or would that be too redundant?)

    Hanna Haruhi October 11, 2019 11:14 pm

    I'm confused now. Is byul boy or girl? Coz that name can be both tho among Korean people

    rslee October 12, 2019 7:20 am
    I'm confused now. Is byul boy or girl? Coz that name can be both tho among Korean people Hanna Haruhi

    Loool to be honest with you. The author was vague about giving Byul a gender and so i might be wrong too. But i know a guy name Han byul and we call him Byul so that name can be unisex :)

    Hanna Haruhi October 12, 2019 11:00 pm
    Loool to be honest with you. The author was vague about giving Byul a gender and so i might be wrong too. But i know a guy name Han byul and we call him Byul so that name can be unisex :) rslee

    Right? Byul name is unisex. Because kinda see author put some girl stuff on byul head. But i reaaly don't mind tho which gender Byul is. And sometimes, people do dress their boy like a girl if that boy is too cute feel like wanna havr a daughter