Asians beauty standards, women must have perfect white skin to be seen a beautiful, so freckles are seen as super ugly, same about birth marks, etc... They are super judgemental with women beauty!
That is why in those countries they sell a lot of whitening creams,.women use masks on the beach to avoid the sun and people with dark skin are seen as ugly!
Exactly! But when society says it is ugly they would take it as ugly, in fact, even in the occident freckles on the face were seen as ugly, I know that because I suffered bullying because of it and I only had a few freckles... in latin America there was a famous artist that had freckles on her back but not on her face, so for some time, freckles on the face was ugly but on the back were sexy!
I remember how many women avoided the sun in order do not darken their freckles and even roday you can see in some make-up magazines where they show how make-up can cover freckles!
That is why when there was the freckles mania some months ago amd young girls began to add them, we, that have natural freckles, were angry, for years we were called ugly because of them, we learned to hide them, we were bullied because of them, so we were angry that now those that bullied us wanted freckles!
Why the fuck do a few freckles suddenly mean your ugly?