I never said that? We can discuss eastern european countries too, but that's not really related to Asian comics. Neither is it related to it being illegal in many african and middle eastern countries. But I was talking specifically about how the idea of it being a choice is bad and this lowkey homophobia being presenter as normal and okay. And if you feel that I picked a bad word to describe it I'm sorry if it offended you but English isn't my native language so I thought it was the right word.

I understand your point, I'm not gay but I have some friends and I know many friends of my daughter who are gay or bisex. I live in Europe in a country where homosexuality is still seen by many as a disease or a lifestyle choice to boredom. So when I say I understand your point I mean it, but I don't agree completely. Precisely because we live in this type of country, finding someone who, even if he does not fully understand what it means to be gay, however, tries without having any prejudice to be your friends and declare that he will be on your side when someone is mean to you, that is very important and a very understanding person. I understand that this is frustrating for you, but isn't a person like that, better than someone who spits insult at you and makes your life difficult? I prefer sincere people like the friend who tells you without hiding how he thinks rather than those who just pretend to understand..my friend say that the first step to make people understand, you have to understand their point of view first, it's the only way to understand each other.

im pretty sure this person understands that that's ("isn't a person like that, better than someone who spits insult at you and makes your life difficult?") way better but the thing is, in comparison to just respecting and being fully understanding for the whole community, its still bad, yknow? like okay we get it thank you but the fact that this mentality is so commonly popular is such a pain because its like... will they Ever improve? imo it makes me feel less accepted as a person. like just because im not a cishet suddenly im respected but not necessarily understood well :/

and i dont mean to be an ass but if youre not gay then i think a lot of us would prefer if you kinda layed low or didnt say that stuff cause,, well, even if you made a point, you cant necessarily say much? i seriously dont intend to sound like a dick here its just the logic that for ex. if youre not trans, you cant speak for trans people. that kinda thing

I know it wasn't my intention to offend in any way, I did say too that I have friends and one of them is trans and me too don't intend to sound polemic but I don't know which country are you from but I assure you that in my country to be understood by a person like the friend is gold,and this is what says my friend
too. I didn't want to sound presumptuous and I didn't say that what I think is law, I only said that I didn't think that the friend was such an ass, only there are persons worse than him, at last in my country. I love my friends and I never treated them differently or I was "understanding" with them, I love them point and I don't want anything or anyone to harm them, but till now I have seen many people treat them with hate and the friend in this manga is an oasis in my country. I understand that you are offended by my words but it wasn't my intention, nor did I said I don't understand what you mean, I only shared my point of view. And sorry if I say this, but when you say " if youre not gay then i think a lot of us would prefer if you kinda layed low or didnt say that stuff" you treat me, like some ass and is pretty discriminatory on your part. I just hope I was clear in explaining myself because english is not my native language and I don't want to offend anyone.

It IS a spectrum, so of course it's better for someone to not spit insults at you, but it's still not okay. Not in the long run. It's a start, yes, but as in this comic it's often seen as an okay place to be. That any type of respect and understanding is just something to be grateful for. But I feel bad for anyone who have to settle for these type of friends. Because they can't get true and full understanding. I say that because I'm blessed with a family and friends who all understand, respect and accept me fully. I wish that upon all of the non-straight people out there. They shouldn't have to feel any different for who they happen to love.

I completely agree with you and I too think the same, I said that it was okay only because in some country there isn't much understanding of the non-straight people, in my country for ex 80% of the people are straight and homophobes and among them to meet such a person is very rare, but don't get me wrong, I also hope that this situation will change in the future because gay or bisex people have the right to choose freely not only who they want to love but also the people who they want to be friends with Without settling for this kind of friend . I'm glad you are blessed with such family and friends, but in my country this is rare, I have sheltered 3 to 4 boys and girls friends of my daughter (not at same time) , who have run away from home because they're parents discovered that they were gay and I too have been insulted and mocked for this. I think it's simple to think the way you think if you live in a environment such as yours, but for people who live in the same type of country as mine the friend in this story is gold, sad but true...
I'm kinda tired of these "understanding" friends who are seen as such good people even though they're really uneducated and have a pretty harmful attitude. "Why they chose that kinda life" or whatever he said, it's just... It hurts my lesbian heart to know that people actually think that, and then it's presented as the friend being understanding. I just wish the asian countries could evolve quicker regarding these issues. Feel bad for my fellow sisters and brothers over there.