Right?? (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ My brain basically refused to accept such a development. I mean, it went against the very core of his badass nature. He's stupid to think that he has the obligation to reciprocate shit. And Tessa is more stupid to feel entitled that she deserves the love even if it's forced. I couldn't take it. Too much disappointment shot through.

You want spoilers? Ok, here goes:
When Arthur turns 17 or so, there's a huge war that threatens to wipe out their entire continent. Arthur is one of the most powerful people in the continent so he receives a very high position, a general only under the supreme commander or something like that. His parents, as ex adventurers also join the war efforts. Tess, who was also pretty talented also joins the war.
Arthur kept losing his cool in front of enemies when it came to Tess, blatantly showing Tess was his weakness. That pissed me off to no end. Until this one huge battle came. He was supposed to be in charge. His family was also going to be in this battle, so all the more important for him to oversee everything till the end. But Tess was somewhere else, in another battle. He came up with a brilliant plan to win his battle with minimum sacrifices for their troops, but it would cost them a lot of resources. The guy under him was against it and wanted to sacrifice their troops instead of their resources. Arthur told them to follow his plans instead and the battle began. Then, too worried about Tess he fucking LEFT! In the middle of the battle he left his post, his family and responsibilities to go find Tess, who was super far away in another battle! Unsurprisingly, the guy under Arthur didn't follow his orders and had all their troops go out and throw their lives away. I mean, he was against Arthur's plans to begin with.
Arthur leaves to find Tess, only to be blocked by an enemy when he was about to reach the other battle and had to go back. Meaning, this whole thing was for nothing. When he finally gets back to his own battle, a lot of people were already dead, and you know who was also dead? His DAD! I was soooooo pissed!!! He practically killed his dad because he kept losing his mind over Tess. Even his sister was participating in this battle, may I add! His little sister, who was still very little. Granted, she was an archer, fighting from behind the walls unlike his parents, but still!!! Fucking imbecile, I'll never forgive Arthur for it. That's why I dropped the novel. I couldn't forgive the mc for what he did

MOTHERFUCKER DOES NOT DESERVE TO BE THE MC AFTER THIS. This is bullshit! All for a woman?? He threw away his blood relatives and his troops for a woman?? I wish he regrets doing that and repents. Romance is really stupid when it comes to shounen mangas. There's practically NO NEED FOR IT why do authors insist on adding it?!

I had a feeling that his parents were going to die sooner or later, but I'm so freaking disappointed that it will be for such a stupid reason, this had so much potential >.< I don't mind romance, but in shounen most of the times it's a curse instead of a bliss for the character developement, I'm so mad (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ Thank you so much for summary I'll put this on hold and maybe read it once it's finished. I usally never read spoilers, but I'm so glad that I did this time, I would be so mad if I followed this week after week for this sh*t to happen ( ̄へ ̄)

One of the reasons I also put this on hold and waits till it ends before going back. I was also so pissed off of that scene I totally stop reading after that.
It was stupid, not MC like (he was a king before rebirth he should've known better) and to top it off i find Tess childish, whiny and very fukin useless.
Damn this should've been good without the romance.

Childish, whiny and useless, yes. That's a very accurate description of Tess. Add selfish and we'll have the entire picture.
And no matter how much Arthur regrets and repents, I still can't forgive him for his decision. Tess might of might not have been in danger and he very likely wouldn't have made it on time anyway, but still chose to leave instead of staying where he could make sure his family was safe. He chose an uncertainty over a certainty, that's so not cool-headed-badass-mc-like and his father died as a result. His father who loved him so much despite everything (shit happened)
I can't forgive Arthur and I can't help hating Tess, so I can't enjoy the story anymore. I can't pick it back up. The story was ruined for me when he indirectly killed his dad. It would've been one thing if his family died in different circumstances, but I can't accept the fact that his dad died as a direct result from a stupid decision he made

I also knew that when the Tess thing started he was going to lose his mind and put everyone in danger because of it. That's what I was most afraid of but I still hoped it wouldn't be so bad, but boy was I disappointed.
He didn't even exchange his father's life for Tessa's. It would've been a bit more bearable if that was the case. I could've maybe accepted it if his dad had died as a result of him saving Tessa, but that wasn't the case! What made it so unforgivable for me was that Tessa wasn't even in danger to begin with!!! He didn't know if Tessa was in danger or not, he only knew that Tessa was in another battle that was getting intense, nothing more, so he decided to abandon his family, his post, his troops, his responsibilities and maybe even the whole continent for a "maybe Tess is in danger". FUCK YOU, ARTHUR!
He was so muddle-headed over Tess he couldn't even make such an obvious decision. Just remembering it pisses me off so much! It's been many months since I last read the novel and I still can't forgive him, so this story is dead to me.

Sadly, shonen uses tge old kind of romance, aka, girl needs to be save or guy abandon everything for love, this is because they think tgat is what girls and women like (and some romantic guys), when in fact, we prefer a romance between equals!
For some reason, several times, in shonen or mangas to male customers have some strange perceptions:
For them being innocent equal being stupid (I really hate this)
Being a strong woman equals being a bully and/or a woman who only wants to fight against men
Being a MC means all female want to take off their clothes in front of him, in fact, more women he has superior he is seen!
And for some reason, the quantity of brainless women they have is annoying, specially in isekai!

Eh?! Wait really?!!!
What?! No!!! This had so much potential!!! I had a feeling Tess was a candidate for the fl but what?!!
I had started disliking her when the time skip happened and she woke Arthur up....I had a feeling she was gonna be a bitchy character...but what?!!!!?!
Arthur!!! Tf are you doing you were such a badass character that actually had a brain!! Wait what noo!!!!!!!!

All peer to you for even making it that far in the novel I dropped it as soon as it became clear Tess was going to ruin Arthur and the story. What pisses me off the most is the fact that this story started off and stayed for the most part REALLY good, like I couldn’t get enough of it. But EVERY part with Tess in it took something away from that and it got worse every single time they met. At a certain point in time everything that I had loved about this story: his badass king past, his drive to get stronger, his love for his family all went away and it became so Tess centered that I couldn’t deal with it anymore. This would have been an AMAZING read if she wasn’t a character, every part she’s in takes away from what could have been one of my favorite reads. I’ve never had a character that so completely ruins something the way that Tess destroyed this.
I used to love this so much. I used to read the novel and I loved it so much you have no idea, but while reaching the climax of the story stuff kept happening that was pissing me off. I kept reading with the hopes that the one thing I was afraid of wouldn't happen, but it freaking did, just as I predicted. I was so pissed I completely dropped the novel. I'm sorry but I'm out