looking for this manga about living swords?

cloudylion October 5, 2019 6:13 am

I asked same question last year, but never got an identification, so here's to hoping to try again a year later, lol.

Here's what I remember of it:

The two main protagonists were a boy and a girl who worked for this organization, I think? But they traveled around with cases of sentient swords or something like that, with the setting being a fantasy/medieval.

One of the cases was where a sword was taking care of these two kids, but she was dying because in this world, weapons needed to be used or they would break (or something like that). But she didn't want to be a weapon since she would rather be a mother to the two kids.
As it turns out, the two protagonists are also weapons, but they wield each other.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?

    lovvlai October 5, 2019 6:42 am

    Hmm, I wish I could help you but the work I found is similar to it but maybe not what you are looking for since it an anime (light novel) and not a manga. It is called Katanagatari. The MCs are boy and girl who travels around the country looking for swords that takes the form of humans or used by others. The settings takes place in edo period of japan and the male MC is also a type of sword.