I can really relate to this except mine is actually the other way around. I’ve got avera...

LoversSunlight October 4, 2019 1:00 pm

I can really relate to this except mine is actually the other way around. I’ve got average grades and my parents doesn’t seem to mind it as long as I’m ok and pass, it should be fine. But the hard part is having such a conscious mind whether I’ll survive the society or not, is indeed really hard. Thinking about it, maybe some students think that being on top is like a way of assuring them that they can do it, they can survive, they will pass. A way of saying that you’ll have a good future ahead of you. It’s sad, really but you’ll never know what’ll come up ahead of you. We just go on, walk, and take whatever comes up, decline if we don’t want it. I’m glad that kurihara was able to solve the misunderstanding :3 I hope that good things will appear for the both of them uwu (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Up_Is_Not_Jump October 4, 2019 2:41 pm

    Right right? Before I graduated university and got a job, the uncertainty of my future always so dim. I've never been a great student, academically and my fears for the future and to face the "real world" were unfathomable. Thoughts like "will I be able to make it?" "Will I always be a part of the lower working class?" "Will I even get a job?" haunted me. And with a LOT of luck, I managed to get one in my already-small-career-field. I've been acknowledged for my hard work and me working smart. It's taking me a while to get there but I'm very content with how far I've gotten.

    kei October 4, 2019 11:16 pm

    i have a friend who told me about her worries for the future to the point where she doesn’t have the motivation to continue uni anymore. she wants to get into med school but i honestly think its only because of the job security. she doesn’t get high grades enough to get in, so she often talks to me about her struggles and it sucks that the only thing i’m able to tell her is that its the same for everyone, everyone’s worried about the future and scared of how uncertain it is.

    messy-mushroom October 5, 2019 2:26 am

    it's funny, I wonder if it's a cultural things? Because personally when I was young and because you can easily find work here you just need your hands (and yes some are boring af, but many have a good pay and can be creative too), I remember people with average result not really worrying about their future or what because they knew they could always find something. On the flip side, people that went into academic studies had a lot of insecurities and pressure. Most went to sciences if they were good at studies just because school told them to, and near graduating they still didn't know what they wanted to do (like my brother and my sis) wondering why they were even there. People that went here by real choices usually end up in pretty selective and competitive path which is a lot of pressure and even while being a hard worker you have no guarantee to end up where you wanted to (for example my cousin always got straight A and is super hardworking but she still couldn't go where she wanted to and had to choose an alternative specialization)