You should have explained the full story. It could have changed the outcome of a lot of responses these people are making. Now you're just adding more facts that confuses the argument altogether. Is the girl bad or good? Is the coach bad or good? Are YOU bad or good? In some cases, yes, it is unfair for other people to rest and while the others do the hard work. And yes, you have to live that reality. If you can't, then just drop out. Or join a different team outside of school.

Well, the whole thing was a rant and I was just angry. My mind wasn’t functioning. Ok, so I’m on a club swim team and I’m in middle school. There’s this person who’s really fast that joined a few years ago that is younger than me. She always got in trouble with the coach and only comes to practice once or twice a week, even though the minimum is four time a week. Every month or so she gets in trouble and has to get out of the pool because she’s causing a disturbance. On Thursday, we were doing really hard endurance sets of 3 x 100 fly on repeat. I was in her lane, which I try to avoid, and in the middle of that, she told me to go in front of her and that she didn’t feel like doing the set anymore and she hopped out. We weren’t done with the set yet and yet she just hopped out. Everyone else, including me were still swimming the set. The coach was pretty fed up with dealing with her so she didn’t tell her to go back in the pool. And at the end of the practice the coach complemented people who she thought did a good job. The girl was complemented for actually finishing a set without stopping. I wasn’t on her list and I had to tell her after practice that I did my underwaters to the halfway point of the pool every time. That was when she told me good job. She didn’t notice me but she noticed her. You can probably see why I’m so bitter about this. And I love swimming, my life orbits around swimming. I just don’t like that swimmer.
Sorry, but I just have to get this out. Today, there’s this person who’s the best in my swim team. We were doing this really hard set and she told me to go in front of her. Her reason was that she was tired and she wanted to rest. That made me so mad because it’s not fair, I tried my best and yet I’m slower than her and yet she doesn’t want to improve herself even though she’s so fast. That made me really mad and I asked her why she was being so lazy and she told me to chill. I told my parents about this and they don’t seem to get it. They said why I should concern myself with her. This has been going on for 3 or 4 years. I’m at my breaking point. My coach doesn’t notice my efforts and just says great job after I told her that I did underwaters to the half of the pool. Thank you for making you read this and you probably didn’t understand it. Sorry, I’m in puberty right now and I guess this happens sometimes.