I feel like a horrible person ((Not manga related))

Kai October 3, 2019 11:26 am

((Not manga related feel free to scroll away))
Today was the last day of my school year.Literally everyone was crying even the boys were bawling their eyes out.We shook hands and hugged & did other emotional stuffs.But there's me who didn't shed a single tear nor even had the urge to cry let alone crying.Didn't have any sort of emotion in my heart or felt sad.I noticed that I was the only one not crying or making a sad face.Then I left my hall feeling like I'm a bad person for not crying.

Does this really make me a horrible person?

    udontknowmeanduneverwilllol October 7, 2019 1:52 pm
    I was not until my friend was like,"Do you not have any emotion?" :/ Kai

    I think your bud was just over exaggerating, don't sweat it :))