I just hope you also do SJW in other comment sections like Viewfinder, Hogu hagyionshu, Moebus Trip... These mangas/manhwas are worse than POTN and are perfect for you guys the sjw and need people like you to moralize the public, though strangely, there's any sjw (or so few...).
I dropped these mangas, along KS.
Weirdly, you're here to repeat the same chorus over and over again. Today again.
About the part saying "They told Nakyum getting drunk in the first place is his fault and that he initiated it...", YOU TAKE IT OUT OF CONTEXT. Though it's just how Nakyum did, review the chapter. Again this is not the whole argument, you just pick sentences that please you, OUT OF CONTEXT. Like you usually do.
And I suppose you even reported others' replies (long and thoughtful) that don't go in your direction.
No one, and I will say again, no one here tells what Seungho did to Nakyum is not wrong. The question whether it's rape or not was already debated in long and large, and a majority agrees it's rape.
For some others, it's assault.
Whether it's rape or not, in a Court/Tribunal with a Judge and advocates, people will try to establish all the responsabilities in both sides of the parties. From the bigest responsabilities to the smallest; to the smallest details.
No Judge that handle with loyalty and fairness such case, or any other accusation, will just say: "OK, he's culprit of rape (/robbery/crime...), Let's just cut his head".
And here, what you do is cutting head. You're not fair.
And don't even try to go after this deform my words, tell them out of context, I'll sack you again, you dishonest cheap sjw.
One drunk husband is judged culprit for beating his wife, family... and has to be jailed.
But one drunk victime of rape that had alcoholized themself to death should just be totally freed? Without any responsability? Questionment? Even if the responsability of the victim of rape in such case is small or very insignificant, Judge also have to word it.
If there is a Justice, it should be fair to all and everybody.
Go spread your cheap sjw elsewhere where it's need.
Ho, and I won't even argue with you again about this, cause you're not honest.
pretty much both sides are fucked up tho.
yes, it's fucked up how some people think it ain't rape cause it is. Tbh there is only one person who said it isn't raped arguing that the mc took it to himself by being drunk, almost everyone here knows it is rape no need for some others to repeatedly say it as if most of the population of the readers are dumb enough not to know about it.
But making rape jokes after being such a sjw is far worse, absolutely hypocritical. Of course the rape jokes were deleted now, but yesterday there were a spam of it from the same person who keep comparing fiction to reality. Making a lot of the readers uncomfortable.
People act like rape isn't already a controversial topic in society as a whole they need to wake up and smell the flowers. I couldn't give a damn about people fapping to it as long as they don't try to justify it or romanticize it as some type of harmless cute thing or legitimate build to a healthy romance.
But pls stop with the sjw thing, now a days people expect you to just uncritically absorb things and that's what's wrong with society. Ironically that's the best way to be influenced negatively by media. What's you're doing isn't "sjw" it's being a decent person who can think deeper about the content you interact with. Everyone should practice this skill.
Lmao you are more focus on the sjw word rather than the same people who keep mentioning rape is bad then go off making rape jokes afterwards? Come on man
hundreds of comments?
I already said it above for your convenience. Why are you suddenly being aggressive
I suppose this kind of speech must go right up in you heart, since you also spend your time to say how wrong all this are, sjw. You're one too.
Your first paragraph is offensive, and excuse me, but a total Bullshit. Unless you think you and the sjw are only brainy enough to understand common social knowledges and sense.
People know that rape isn't a matter to be portrayed lightly or be ridiculed, but as long as Humanity will exist, you won't stop people to create stories or fictions about dark themes, forbidden romances etc. Because people like stories.
The rotten girls and boys are jacking off to Yaoi/rapey yaoi is their concern and right, Yaoi BL (known to be UNREALISTIC homo romances, Smut...) is made for that also.
But what's worse than fapping to yaoi/rapey yaoi? Sjw who spend their time to moralize others for liking fictional BL smut and doing it all the time. You guys must enjoy it so much -moralize people you don't even know, btw, that you must fap to that.
I wonder why you're still here. Sado? Maso...? Who knows.
Usually when there's something that displease a reader (the plot, the people in the comment section...), they just DROP the damn manga.
They can also express their unpopular opinion and get a ton of dislikes or hate following this, but it's a thing everybody knows and did.
But you guys KEEP REPEATING that same sentence "how rape is wrong", or "dumbly represented in Yaoi", "how the readers are too dumb or are not even aware of that"...
Get off of your high horses! We don't need you to tell us or remain us endlessly the OBVIOUS.
And most readers smply don't care of notions like "morals", "values"..., cause whether you like it or not, this is yes, FICTION.
Some like crazy stuffs, "Oh well, because it's fiction". Many of us have to deal with this crazyness of the Fujoshis too (me included).
Your repetitive sentences of the same reproachs is what annoys people.
You're making a lot of assumptions about me here. I'm not whoever else it is that you've been arguing with. I'm a whole other person. I usually only upvote/downvote as I see fit when I'm signed in, though I would report something if it's really out of pocket. I haven't done that so far though.
I haven't read 2/3 of the stories you mentioned so of course I wouldn't be commenting on them and I read viewfinder many years ago when I didn't know the things I do now. It's not worth my time to go back to everything I read with my updated perspective. Something tells me that you wouldn't appreciate it anyways since it seems that you really just want people to never talk about it ever. For the record, I think it's also terrible about rape.
Your argument doesn't make any sense with what I was talking about so I'll leave you to that I guess. I'm not out here prosecuting fictional characters in courts of law but I'm going to call things what they are and not completely lose any sense of moral reasoning that I have.
It's annoying but it's funny how the same trends go on in the comment sections on this site. Basically the same dynamics and everything.
This place is kind of a mess already so what's one more addition? :D
Anywho, I'm not surprised at all that there's rape in this. I'm not hating on the author for it since they're not telling a lighthearted story and I keep reading because I want to know how things go. I knew that rape was in the realm of possibility and despite the really nice art I didn't enjoy the sex scene between the mcs when it came because it's rape. Having a negative feeling about that isn't an unreasonable reaction. Neither is leaving a comment here about it, considering that leaving thoughts is what this section is for.
I know that many people don't care about rape in BL or are actively into it and that it's not worth preaching to anyone about it but it's still really jarring to see people not acknowledging that what happened was rape and/or victim blaming. There was a comment saying that it was Nakyum's fault for drinking in the first place and that he initiated it, which was pretty mind-boggling to read. Someone too drunk to recognize who they're doing it with is someone too drunk to consent. Anyone who cared about their partner wouldn't go along with someone that drunk. But as we all know, Seungho doesn't care and his status means that he doesn't have to. I'm curious about whether that will change, like some other commenters here. He doesn't seem to be as bad of a monster as he could be, yeah. So I'll keep reading despite being a snowflake sjw