Honestly Don't Know How to feel about this

PlumpSprouts October 2, 2019 4:36 am

*Spoilers are present in this topic*
*I know this is a comic but still*
*Yes, I have read all 106 chapters*
*Warning long AF*

--- OK me not being the triangle love plot fan, so not usually my cup of tea. I thought it seemed interesting enough on a dull night. When I found it, this was the time it only had like 9 chapters or so. When I notice that it was now 100 or so, I was like time to binge!
--- Though I am thankful for the up loader, for all the chapters, I honestly not seeing many characters that I enjoy besides glasses best friend dude, as well as the white and black haired guys.
--- On the other hand the mc has little to none character development, whatever happened was erased in the accident.

((I get that he is supposed to be a cute stupid aspect to his character, but there is a fine line between cute and annoying and he said fckk the line))

--- The mc's love interest (blonde dude) so far in the story anyway, is an unhealthy person for a relationship right now, I know I know his past thought right?
--- That's what a counselor is for, get some help. Before going and flinging someone who makes you jealous into water, cutting him out when he does something you don't like, and being rough, asking your partner to cut of your relationships, in real life that is a toxic relationship.

--- While the blonde dude that acts for the sake of his self satisfaction do to unaddressed issues, and half heart consoling, instead of helping.
--- I know that they talked things through, but to boot his actions he does for himself, so selfish, getting into a pyramid scheme company, but you'll get some good memories!

*Me thinks of anything better and probably more helpful for the memory/ new memories problem---reenact things, go to familiar places, show him your text log idk anything but that*

(( Sorta glad blonde dude is see the problem he created by joiining instead of just paying it off))

--- The best friend dude though he may not be the best option, in the mc's eyes----

(( I personally think he is the best option once they talk things though))

--- At the same time, the mc does realize even though he calls him on his shtt, he has his back, after 4 years most people would be gone.

-- What stings is that the glasses best friend dude probably won't end up with him, or even get a better partner at that...
--- The mc will be ignorant to the blonde dudes acts do to his nativity, then forgive him do to his weak will, and get in a situation in life dig himself a grave at one point. With no one really looking out for him.
--- I know people may bring up that he realized what he did was wrong, but you wouldn't let someone off with a crime because, oh he realized his mistake now, no biggie~ sorry for you loss/ injury now~~
--- Please private message me who he ends up with, for the sake of who don't want to know! Thanks for reading, please let me know if you disagree/correct any of my points, and help me clear up thoughts!

--- Have a great night/day!
--- From PlumpSprouts

    801 January 6, 2020 2:00 pm

    Thanks for spoiling me I don't want to spend reading this the whole night but reading this topic makes me wanna continue this series in the near future