
He’s probably the most selfish manipulative character I’ve read outside of a Harada series.
And I’m still even more frustrating that he’s using suicide as an excuse to be that way. In fact, I’m 99% sure that it’s going to turn out that he was never even remotely suicidal to begin with; he just made it up on a whim to guilt trip MuYeong. In which case, if anyone sympathizes with that, they’re probably assholes just like him ¯_(ツ)_/¯
... be crying up in this bitch?
Also idc that glasses guy is hospitalized he’s a pathetic pity-partying dick. How wonderful he must feel manipulating his only friend by forcing him to be with him using guilt. God no wonder he’s depressed and feels like crap lol maybe if my guy gets his act together and stops acting like a massive piece of shit he’ll stop feeling like a massive piece of shit.
Go ahead, downvote me. Idgaf. As a depressed post-suicidal bitch, ik how it be so ¯_(ツ)_/¯