Guys...pls let me vent/complain to yous since no one else will....

Woahcalmdownlove October 1, 2019 5:39 pm

Ok so there was this manga/webtoon where the fl was accused of pushing the prince into the river almost killing him or did kill him thus in the result of her being heavily tortured and received a shit ton of nasty comments from the ml/ Emperor. ( this was set in ancient China )
At first she was like hurry up and kill me I fucking hate you, which pissed off the ml and caused him to say the cliche line “no....I won’t kill you, I’ll make it so you’ll wish I’d kill u” (not what he said but it’s similar) and a few days later shit came down, she got hurt because of sum concubine hoe and somehow ended up having sex wif the ml, which pissed me tf off and is the reason why I’m writing this and had to drop the manga.
Honestly I hate it when the protagonist is like her, (inhales..) and this is why, the ml is an arrogant , uncircumcised, piece of shit that fucks around the palace, killed the fl family and tarnished her reputation, personally tortured her and is confused in why for the past 3 or so years why she didn’t want to fuck him. He grew the balls to tell her that he did it in the name of “love” and was subtly warning her not to piss him off....... the fl on the other hand is showed to be a capable, strong woman that can kick ass but can’t. The ml put her through hell and she says all these pathetic lines to convey how much she hates him but the problem is that she doesn’t say it directly or even in a cool way. This is annoying because literally every I say EVERY female lead is like this in EVERY manga I read. They ( every fl lead ever) go nuts and blush every time they see their shitty ml, they even say, think that they are shit yet eventually falls in love wit them or refuses to even use their so called strength to fight back.. also how come they are always weaker the ml? I get that they are women and men but like cmon she should at least land a slap. Female leads who are said to be strong, independent, caring, smart, cool and a badass queen that can kick ass that are actually the opposite or even suddenly turns into a naive, weak (both mentally and physically), annoying bitc* that blushes every 5 secs are not even strong, cause they don’t even use/show it or use it when necessary. This is annoying and I hope this trend stop like pls! I wanna read something like light and shadow pop with fl’s like them.
Fuuuuuuck this is why I’m starting to like Yaoi mannnn ヽ(`Д´)ノ
