Ok so I first read this months ago - only the first few chapters and left it at that becau...

keibro October 1, 2019 11:43 am

Ok so I first read this months ago - only the first few chapters and left it at that because I dislike rape stories and the masochism/sadism just seemed extreme. Recently however, I picked this up again and I am happy that I did because this is one unique and touching story. It's rare to find lengthy Yaoi romances, and this story really shed some light on deviant preferences and polygamy. And I don't really see what's wrong with the art and why you'd compare it with viewfinder? Viewfinder was one of my first Yaoi and I loved it at the time but have come to dislike it because it lacks a storyline, and it has rape romanticised all over it. I thought Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai was the same, however it embodies both an amazing storyline and art that portray how rape affects victims and their families.

    parkbogomi October 8, 2019 7:49 pm

    indeed the stroyline is just amazing and we all know that it is rare to find a story well written it is just so deep