Haha I agree, the website is a double edge sword. Sure there is great manga here that anyone can read and there’s many updates, but also... not so great stuff that’s nsfw and not appropriate for kids. Ngl on one nsfw manga I read I’m pretty sure half of the comments was filled with 10-13yr olds LOL. But then again they could probably find these manga anywhere because of the internet rip
I don’t mind them reading NSFW stuff or even mangas and fictions which include rape, the problem is that either some people think anyone who reads these stuff becomes a rapist, murderer, etc either they don’t realize that these fictions present an unrealistic portray of reality and that’s my problem, I don’t have a problem with people enjoying some problematic fictions, but the fact that they can’t differentiate reality and fiction, on both sides is problematic. Also not everyone becomes a rapist, but there are a lot of people who find forceful sex fun and cute in REAL LIFE and even harass others because they don’t understand being overly persistent is only cute in these unrealistic fictions. Or they judge actual homosexual relationships based on these fictions. Most of them are younger teenagers tho. Although I’m not saying the fictions are to blame. It’s just people being stupid
Yeah me either, I don’t mind them reading those kinda stuff but then they think that’s the norm. Manga is supposed to be just for entertainment not something you based your life off of. I’m just mostly worried for the young teenagers that read in the Yaoi genre (cause it’s getting popular fast recently) that can’t draw a line with fiction and reality. Most themes are rape, sexual harassment, blackmail, bullying, and more. I’ve went to school with a group of girls that couldn’t draw that line, they would make everyone uncomfortable with their remarks and would try to force situations and others to act out their “Yaoi scenes for references” just like with Yaoi they took manga too seriously and thought ‘quirky aspects’ that are loveable in manga would be the same irl.
It would be difficult.
First, it would mean no more anons. Because for age registration, everybody should have an account, thus a e-mail which would prove they're over 18. Imagine the fight that would make for all those person who takes Mangago for their personnal psychiatrist/gynecologist/generalist doctors/lawyers/etc through anon questions.
Second, I don't think the moderators would go through such length for a illegal site. And risking losing visitors because they're underage. That would be quite ironic if it were more protected than other legal reading sites.
All in all, I don't blame mangago nor the way it works. Frankly, I almost don't read comments or questions on the homepage anymore. I want to keep my sanity.
I wish that was true but I was personally attacked and harassed by several people for saying *these fictions present a dumb portrayal of reality, and as long as you realize that, it’s fine to enjoy them in your privacy* yeah, I was actually attacked for saying that. That’s why I think age limit is needed
Perhaps having more moderators and being more careful about the comments could be better idea. People on mangago easily get away with personally attacking and harassing others when they’re explaining their opinions using reasoning and also include what type of people they’re not talking about yet they put words in your mouth and start attacking personally for no reason. I don’t understand why people have to be this aggressive, specially when i’m not blaming them or in fact, might be on their side. But my view on fujoshis is ruined now thanks to those people, although I understand there might be a few fujishis who aren’t like that, but i’ll probably be pessimistic towards them from now on
I think there should be stricter age limits on mangago. I have a feeling that there are some people here too young to differentiate fiction and reality (not blaming it on the fictions)