And if it was just a porn than ok. Everyone have some tastes. But this story has characters we know, they have personality, background etc.

Btw I wouldn't talk with Mangasanctury ...they live in this comment section. Literally live. I scrolled through several pages and about 30 pr of all comments are their.
Also I remember how she/he pretended that that infamous scene wasn't rape at all not long time ago and wrote the whole essays how it's not a rape and it was consensual.

Well just like movies that showcase the victim before getting rape, it ain't different

The portrayal of rape is DUMB, I'm not disagreeing with you.
But this type of comments are literally spamming the feed, you already said it yourself.
If people go around jerking off to rape you don't care as long as they don't do it to someone. Just stop spamming

Lmfao. Did you see a good movie where rape was romanticised and showed as something hot?

But it's not a porn. It's a story with plot. Also people who are spamming are the ones who complain about pseudo negative comments. Because for 3 comments about rape you can find 30 crying about said comments. This is the real spam. But nobody has a problem with such comments. Hmmmm

Yes. Come on!
Remaking of movies that showcase the life of actual serial rapist are literally a thing now!

romanticizing it as well

But no one is romanticising it....

Nobody is romanticising it because it is highly UNREALISTIC.

You can't find a yaoi without two dudes having sex. Anything that showcase intercourse is porn. And those 30 crying comments are usually an argument between the two sides

Which part are you referring?
The manga or the base on the true life of a serial rapist remake movie?

I blocked the anonymous kid because all they were doing was spamming my comments with irrelevant shit like calling me sadistic because of stating *rape portrayal in these mangas is dumb* and they spam my responses anonymously after being blocked. Truly pathetic. Not only the rape portrayal in these mangas is dumb, but also people who don’t think it’s dumb and it was proven to me today

Lmfao. Ok the scenes can be called porn but porn generally doesn't have the whole story, with characters' depth portrayed. This is the normal story with storyline and with porn scenes. Better?

Nope. Not true at all. There are billions of new topics complaining about people talking about rape. Nobody even answers under these posts.

i honestly don't have a mangago account what are you talking about?
But i can see someone commenting that you blocked them

That is basically movies like fifty shades of grey which still falls in the category of porn

I hope that’s the case because otherwise it would be really pathetic to spam somebody after blocking them
I don’t think i’m obligated to continue a conversation with someone who doesn’t have any proofs for what they say or calls me a sadist because I say *the rape portrayal is dumb in these fictions*
It is dumb, if it isn’t, tell me why with reasoning and evidence. I never said people shouldn’t read them, authors shouldn’t write them. As I said i’d be fine if you fapped to the rape scenes and are rational enough to not actually rape people irl, but I do have a problem with it when people can’t see that the portrayal is dumb. That’s all.
Ok this witch hunt and personal attack on people who supposedly sIt On ThEiR hIgH hOuRse got out of control.
People seriously don't understand what is the core of the problem. It's not about works having rape in them. No it's about the way rape is being portrayed. How romanticised it is, how rape is not a big deal, how authors draw the scene super erotic so many people even doubt it can be rape, how victim isn't traumatised and just goes with their life as if nothing happened. How victim always falls for their abuser. This, THIS is the problem, not rape itself.
It's rather obvious that nobody support (I hope) the rape/ killing in real life. It's common sense.
You would say it's just the porn. If it was just a porn, it wouldn't be a problem. People have various fantasies. But we have storyline there, we have plot, out characters are deepened, have personality, so we can emphasize with them. Feel their pain or their happiness.
That's why for many people it can be strange how others ship rapist with his victim, how they marginalize or even try to justify rape.
Can you imagine you are sitting on the cinema. There is a rape scene right there and guy beside you have a wide grin and whisper to their friend how hot this scene is.