Why you commenting here tho? Like we don’t even know if painter falls in love with seme??? Like ye I get the point but also I’m not sure this story applies well to what you’re saying. Maybe if you said this on literally any other BL that has the Uke actually falling in love with their rapist. I can name a ton like Hidoku Shinaide. The story doesn’t justify the rape or even try to. The story just has rape and it’s expected of semes character. I think that’s why most people that like the story are mad. Also it’s basically glorified porn. It’s a story labeled smut and yaoi. People come her 50% to jack off and 50% to know what happens.

and you dont

What a dumbass can you just stfu

It is still portrayed in very sweet and erotic way. So like I said many people even doubt it is rape.
And I am talking also about people in this comment section who are outraged why others can be disturbed with shipping victim with their rapist or saying that rape is hot.

My main problem is the fact that people in the comment section don’t seem to understand the portrayal of rape in these fictions isn’t realistic and somebody went as far as calling me a sadist because of that statement. in my personal opinion, whatever you do, as long as it’s done in your privacy and doesn’t harm anyone, that’s related only to you. Even if it’s fapping to rape scenes. BUT be rational enough to understand what’s the problem with it, instead of acting emotional about it. I honestly can’t understand how people think the portrayal of rape in these fictions isn’t stupid, illogical and unrealistic. Yeah it’s fiction and we know that, but they don’t seem to understand how stupid the portrayal is in reality and that could actually be problematic. However I’m not saying that rape shouldn’t be in the stories.
I read a lot of fictions which portray rape, homosexual relationships, gender roles, etc in a dumb way and it’s kinda my guilty pleasure, I sometimes enjoy the story, but I do see the problematic sides of it. I’m fully aware of the fact that the portrayal of rape in these mangas is dumb and not logical and realistic in any way.
But the fact that a lot of people aren’t aware of that and even get triggered by a statement like that, is kinda concerning

Did I say that story justify rape, no I said people try to. Did you even read what I wrote.

why are you still here ranting about rape and being a social justice warrior,
go rant it in pornhub! I already said it! That's where most inspiration for sex come from, and they showcase RAPE all the time.

But pornhub is PORN. And this story is something above porn. It has storyline. Characters have their own depth etc.

You’re taking being one dimensional to a whole new level. Something stupid doesn’t justify another stupid thing. Murder doesn’t justify rape.
Whatever the fuck you wanna do in your privacy, do it, even if it’s fapping to rape scenes, I don’t give a shot about that. It doesn’t harm anybody. But the fact that most people in the comment section can’t see how the portrayal of rape is dumb in these fictions, is the problem here. I don’t see why this has to be explained again.

Sry I meant EMPATHIZE*

To be honest, this is a DRAWING! Showcasing rape.
Anime is not REAL, HUMANS DO!

What? You seriously don't understand. Porn is porn. Porn doesn't have much plot, the characters aren't deepened. But this story has clear storyline and we get to know character rather closely. It's not just a porn. It's a story with explicit scenes.

For shit sake they keep mentioning it ALL THE TIME. NO ONE IS DENYING IT.
I don't see why yall keep repeating it when everyone already knows, that's why they are disliking yall comments cause it's now becoming a somewhat of a repetitive spam

THERE are porn that is basically longer than a MOVIE,
THERE are movies that showcase RAPE but are age restricted

Face palm. Literally face palm.
It's not about seeing rape. It's how people say oh how hot rape is, there ARE also people who pretend there isn't any rape right there, or shipping victim with their abuser.
Also as always rape was shown as something hot and highly erotic.
Ok this witch hunt and personal attack on people who supposedly sIt On ThEiR hIgH hOuRse got out of control.
People seriously don't understand what is the core of the problem. It's not about works having rape in them. No it's about the way rape is being portrayed. How romanticised it is, how rape is not a big deal, how authors draw the scene super erotic so many people even doubt it can be rape, how victim isn't traumatised and just goes with their life as if nothing happened. How victim always falls for their abuser. This, THIS is the problem, not rape itself.
It's rather obvious that nobody support (I hope) the rape/ killing in real life. It's common sense.
You would say it's just the porn. If it was just a porn, it wouldn't be a problem. People have various fantasies. But we have storyline there, we have plot, out characters are deepened, have personality, so we can emphasize with them. Feel their pain or their happiness.
That's why for many people it can be strange how others ship rapist with his victim, how they marginalize or even try to justify rape.
Can you imagine you are sitting on the cinema. There is a rape scene right there and guy beside you have a wide grin and whisper to their friend how hot this scene is.