No sade, but because it's just fiction, and I'm not bothered by it. By that logic, there should be no horror, action, etc. in any form of entertainment for displaying murder, cursing, fighting, sex, etc. I just watched Fate Zero' and there's a character on there that gets off on slaughtering kids. I enjoyed the fictional show, but I do not enjoy things like that happening in real life. I'm not being a dick or anything, but everybody has their own taste and, for the most part, people are logical and know how to seperate fiction from reality. If something isn't your cup of tea or it really triggers you, either don't read it or feel free to leave a seething comment about why it sucks--I certainly do . You totally have those options. But it's kind of pointless to question other people's enjoyment or taste in fiction. Again, not being an @$$ This is just my answer to your initial question.

No, I actually can say that it doesn't have a single thing to do with real life, because it's fiction--fiction...entertainment meant to entertain... Context is negible in entertainment when common sense, discernment, and basic reasoning exists. Most people do not take fiction at face value and will choose not to partake if they don't like it, and the ones who do take them a face value generally have pre-existing issues. And besides, most mainstream entertainment does not use murder and rape, etc. just for the heck of it; it's usually a plot device. That's usually left up to snuff and fetish stuff. Sorry, but I can't be convenced otherwise. Adults should know better, and kids should be actually raised and monitored whenever possible.

Wow. Finger pointing and name calling after stating my opinion ( which you wrongly accused me of presenting as a fact and I clearly said it was my opinion). I'm just going to disengage, because your question was clearly rhetorical as you do not actually seem to want to hear different point of views. And for the record, not being able to accept different opinions is also why there's so much violence in the world--currently and historically. I'm done now, lest I becalled biased again for having an opinion...
This is ridiculous, it's all about rape and omega's inferiority, are you guys really enjoying it? It fucking bothers me, a rapists get his apologises accepted too easily by the protagonist. He didn't get his responsibility about it at all. ヽ(`Д´)ノ