Okay... But this "meeting" was out of place?

Alice September 27, 2019 6:56 pm

I mean the Red head and MC have only met once (chapter 90 I think) where the uncle introduced them and talked a bit about are MC's situation with him. However this scene made it seem like they are friends and as if the Red head knows the MC inside out? Kinda forced if you ask me... But I guess the author understood that they should move forward the main couple quick and had to do that... I just hope they had made it a bit more natural? Anyways, I am still happy with the progress that was made in this chapter so I will over look it lol As for the uncle leaving are cute uke behind he is such a tease... Poor baby is in for a ride (though I know that he kinda deserves it lol). Also I am sure the uncle didn't leave with the ex.

    nazzy September 27, 2019 7:05 pm

    Same as my thought how in the world r red head n YY connected....
    Personally i hate this type of scenario when some1 else try to make u understand ur situations .... seen tht alot in tv series but dont like to read them in novels ..... lol