Ok so....

tah September 27, 2019 3:20 am

Ok so I agree that YuYang deserved that tongue lashing. As well as getting hit. i just don't like the fact that the red hair one was the one that served it. Call me bias all you want but how come after all this bs this dude has been spitting he suddenly is all knowing and the calling it like it is person. That is one troop i see played out all the time on so many dramas. the character that be the most annoying and down right awful person suddenly has a epiphany and for once has some real shit to talk about. I guess hearing some real shit from a person you don't like at all is more impactful?? Anyway I was just glad they where somewhat including the main couple!! This new couple is very slowly growing on me. i just don't want to see them 4 plus chapters straight.

    Nicoyagirl77 September 27, 2019 5:10 am

    I like that it was the read head guy because it's some one out his box yes this friends are supportive but at that moment he didn't need support he needed a dash of reality!! But that just me.. lol

    tah September 27, 2019 6:53 pm
    I like that it was the read head guy because it's some one out his box yes this friends are supportive but at that moment he didn't need support he needed a dash of reality!! But that just me.. lol Nicoyagirl77

    Lol, I totally get what your saying.