I'm putting the pitchfork down for now

yanayo September 25, 2019 7:37 pm

I've never hated him as intensely as some people here seem to but I wasn't feeling very warm towards Joowon's character either. After reading the new chapter I have a little more sympathy or understanding for Joowon, but my overall stance on him is still pretty much the same. As he is now, he's not good with Haesoo. He's basically being an asshole out of love, kind of, and it's hurting Haesoo and himself in the end. He's one of those characters who go to extraordinary lengths for the people they love but at the cost of becoming warped and twisted to the point that they're unrecognizable to their loved ones. But, this chapter introduced some hope for redeeming Haesoo and Joowon's relationship, though not that much. I still think it's doomed in the end even if they reconnect and communicate properly because 1) they're still in a gay relationship and 2) they're still stepbrothers. Neither thing is good if either of them want to have careers and lives in public, especially in Joowon's case. Most BL brushes this aside or downplays it, but it wouldn't have been made an issue in the story if it wasn't significant, assuming the author is trying to be a good writer.
I'm on board for Taekyung and Haesoo mostly so that Haesoo gets out of the cycle he has with Joowon, not that they're soulmates or should stay together forever. It's really the path of least resistance

    Anonymous September 25, 2019 7:57 pm

    But they are not stepbrothers right now? O.o

    Anonymous September 25, 2019 8:01 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! @Anonymous


    yanayo September 26, 2019 5:47 am
    But they are not stepbrothers right now? O.o @Anonymous

    They're not at the current moment in the story but 1) Joowon's dad is still interested in Haesoo's mom and it's not like she divorced him because they had a bad relationship so that's still something that could restart and 2) even them being formerly stepbrothers would be scandalous for Joowon if that became publically known. People in this comment section seem to be rather forgiving of that but it's weird at the very least to be in a romantic relationship with someone who's counted as family. Haesoo had some angst about it himself