I agree >.< *vomit and tear my eyes*
Why be disappointed in the author, can you imagine how different the story would be if we didnt get to see him be in such a horrible place and how his life turned out after meeting yule? We wouldnt have been able to see how strong he is for when he got back up, and see how it's hard to leave people that you love and how other people's emotions and actions can change someone one completely, we wouldnt have been able to learn and see what real people actually have to go though and have experienced. After reading this I can just only imagine how kyungsoo was able to get through all the pain and not give up, if I were in his shoes tbh I would have given up and broke a long time ago i probably would have shaddered like a thin piece of glass being thrown out on to the cold rough rugged concrete ground.
I've been reading mangas for years and I've read a fair share of disturbing ones but this one takes the cake. I have never cried for a character like I've cried for kyung-soo. And yes I forced myself to read the whole manga so I can tell u for sure there is no happy outcome. Poor kyng-soo does not deserve all the cruel things that's been done to him. No one deserve such brutal mental and physical abuse !! Fuck the author and their sick twsited mind. Do not read this disgusting manga.