If it starts affecting your real life outlook (like, you start shipping straight males together and whatever) then yeah it’s bad but otherwise it’s just like any other kind of porn, sexualized for its target audience. But, a word of advice- don’t tell anyone you read it. You will be filleted like a fish.

Found this informative tweet a few weeks back. Might be a good read if you want to learn about fujoshis. Never bothered to double check the facts but it was interesting.

I think it's mainly bc people now see the term "yaoi" and "yuri" as some cringy thing from 5 years ago. I see a lot of people tell about them (manga and those who read them) on tumblr and about how it's basically homophobic since you're just romanticizing gays. As a gay person, I get it, most bl I come across is... Not that great when it comes to characters and story and will focus on sex. But then there some that are great even if they focused on sex. Everything about some bl/gl manga are well written and mature but bc it's a "yaoi" or a "yuri" people now just write it off bc of cring culture. Honestly, there's so difference in reading Always Raining Here and Go for it, Nakamura! but since one's carrying a yaoi title tumblr fucks will make a fuss

?? It's like supporting gay rights.
Some people don't like it.
Some people do like it.
You're allowed to like what you like.
You aren't hurting anybody by reading a genre of comics online.
"then why're they making a fuss over it??"
...because they're @ssholes??
I'd like to ask the American government why they don't believe that an adult human being should be allowed to marry an adult human being of the same gender or different race but I'm pretty sure that we will never be able to find an answer for that question... -.-
Anyways, I don't think you should feel guilty about it. Who cares about what you read, there is a bunch of people out there that are so much worse. There are people who murder other people because they were bored. You reading a comic about a topic of the real world, which is slowly becoming more acceptable, isn't something to stress about. You do you boo.

Hello. By chance you know the name of a Yaoi manga where there is a popular student who falls in love at the first sight of a thin, short, white-haired student who wears glasses, is a very good student and lived with his mother.
Is the popular student one of the heirs of a hospital?
Is there a time the white-haired boy uses a yukata? a kimono? that the other considers feminine.
guys i'm so freaking confused!!! is reading yaoi bad???
as a boy i enjoy it ... i read all these comments about "foujoshi" or smth (not really sure what it means..) most of them say that if you read yaoi then that means you hate the real thing ... like WTF how can i read it in the first place if i hate them.. i don't understand.. really .. what's going on??? Am i not supposed to read yaoi??