My opinion: I hate the MC

Hiyorin September 22, 2019 9:50 am

to be honest, this is the first time I hate the MC very much. I would always love, fav and stan MC, and even ship the MC with everyone. I stopped reading until chapter 3. I can't take it anymore. Like, what kind of person are you when you are doing it and you remembered another person? I bet Sebin felt hurt. I just don't like the MC anymore, sorry. I can't like unless you are move on from your 'first-crush' and happily accept Sebin as your boyfriend. To the scan group, I'm really grateful for scanning this manhwa. And to the artist, your art is great but I hope you will improve the story plotline and try to build the characters as chapters keep updating. I will continue to read this manhwa if it has more than 20 chapters
