Saw the anime but never read this until now. Made me cry like 4 times poor risa. Yoshi sho...

Dorkopatamus September 21, 2019 2:22 am

Saw the anime but never read this until now. Made me cry like 4 times poor risa. Yoshi should have been the love triangle . (=・ω・=)

    Lara October 2, 2020 5:02 pm

    Yeahh ;( This manga made me cry a lot. Sometimes I want to hit Otani cuz he's being too idiot –_– he should give Risa more attention and care!! Risa has too much patient towards Otani

    suwehg~ December 13, 2020 6:01 am
    Yeahh ;( This manga made me cry a lot. Sometimes I want to hit Otani cuz he's being too idiot –_– he should give Risa more attention and care!! Risa has too much patient towards Otani Lara

    I feel you. Makes you wanna hit the actual stupidity out of Otaniii, but I can't deny the fact that Otani can reallly be attractive sometimes especially when he cheers up Risa and always using the Umibozou-card on her LMAO uwu