Hihii, I noticed that you guys are trying to translate and just wanted to tell that my girlfriend has been trying to translate the 3rd chapter and is willing to help you all out. I'm the one communicating for her since she doesn't have an account or any other social medias, though I myself have this (obviously), discord and hangouts. Thank you for reading this message, and we'll be happy for having all of this pay off!

That's great. Though how can we enter in contact with her and verify she's suited for that task? Can you tell us a bit about her path and where/how she larnt Japanese?
We have none proof readers and have to rely only on the Translator, so before releasing the chapters, we'll have to confirm the aptitude of transtating of a member, especially because this post is the most important. Thanks and I hope you don't take it bad.

Okay, I just messaged her and she said she'll try and figure something out about how to communicate with you guys. She learned the basics of Japanese through her dad who was in Japan for a while and learned the rest through some researching, not the most fluent but still functioning through translations for the most part.
Since we all want to read the following chapters of Sakurada Senpaï, few of us who can take that challenge decided that we'll release the following chapters, as you can read here in the comments.
We can do the cleaning, typesetting and redrawing dicks... Though we still need a willing translator to translate these Japanese raws. So help us to spread the word and make this objectif possible! Thank you.