this creator

Hellooooooooo September 20, 2019 7:54 am

they're working on a new story?
They have really interesting stories but after what happened in their first one I was really disappointed. I hope they find a solid story here cause I really like their art and unique characters

    Tinniii September 20, 2019 3:04 pm

    the first one is pretty disappointing but maybe the sequel would suffice it?

    Abyssal Nier September 20, 2019 5:54 pm

    What happened?

    Hellooooooooo September 21, 2019 8:27 am

    Take it with a grain of salt since just from my opinion:
    their first story "+alpha no tachiichi" had your typical isekai accidental underdog protag but they literally get booted out multiple times even to the end where they literally get booted back home. Had some possible interesting characters and interaction but the ending really just falls short to the glaring re-occuring problem and the mc is just kinda too resolved with the flow of everything and by the end you're just kinda like "welp not my problem anymore but I was just starting to get into the swing of things".

    and yeah like Tinnii says, I'm hoping the sequel Techigai Desu ga Heroine Desu kinda doesnt leave us hanging in terms of the mc's role and interactions like the prior