I demand a threesome. You know what'll really fuck Gabriel's Catholic guilt ridden mind up...

_ September 18, 2019 10:13 pm

I demand a threesome. You know what'll really fuck Gabriel's Catholic guilt ridden mind up even further? Tainting Sailou with vampire sex too. :D

Anyway, I enjoy the smut but I'm kinda losing patience with the story aspects of this because nobody seems to make a sensible decision ever. Wtf does Domingo think killing Gabriel will even accomplish? If he's so worried about his own ass wouldn't murdering vampire's shiny new fucktoy be entirely contrary to his agenda of, like, Not Getting Killed?

Demon boy's mission is to watch out for potential vampire hunters, what does he do? Hm this stranger is weird... we are concerned about weird strangers who might pose a threat... DADDY LET'S TAKE HIM HOME I WANT A SEXY TUTOR (FOR NO APPARENT REASON I mean ffs are you studying for the demon SATs kid?)

Gabriel is permanently either surprised pikachu face, or horny; you would think he'd at least consider leaving town or leaving the priesthood but nope. I seriously feel like this bit is a problem with the writing, there should be a reasoning given for him staying put like the vampire bite prevents him from leaving or even if he believed he could leverage his position to protect the orphans from Paolo or SOMETHING.

Aaaaand Paolo, who has apparently taken his evil planning tips straight from Scooby Doo villains. As with Gabriel, I feel like the writer should've given reasons for why he can't do things more efficiently (perhaps nerf some of his powers?), because as it is it feels like he's dragging his heels just to give the hunters time to intervene in his overly complicated scheme.

I guess Sailou gets a pass for now because he hasn't done much yet but I do not have high hopes for him making any more sense than the others.

I know, I know, this is primarily a smutfic and I should just sit back and enjoy the smut (which, again, I do have to commend; the art's great and this is one instance in which Gabriel's reluctance/desire works quite well).

    BeepBopp September 19, 2019 12:41 am

    LOL you are right about Domingo and the little vampire kid!!
    About Gabriel i guess he could consider leaving town or leaving priesthood but right now i think he is half assingly trying to fight his lust?? (It was really retarded that he asked help from Domingo to stop him from having sex when he can’t say no to the man doing him???like seriously thats cheap from the author)

    And about Paolo not killing the hunters, i’m pretty sure he doesnt consider them a threat and he doesnt want to drag attention (he only kidnapped kids in coma from the hospital and it’s well hidden). So he isnt killing them since it would only cause problems and he is planning to leave soon i think.
    Oh and the priest hiding the vampire’s actions from the hunters... not explained. But these kinds of stuff happen in all yaoi, it’s the sad part :(