Kuruboku's threads on mangago have always been fun. But now not anymore since the number of people who can't accept a character's flaws keeps on increasing and increasing. It's saddening tbh. Both have their own weaknesses, and they did things that they shouldn't have and they didn't do things that they should have.
For example, look at Utou, wasn't it dub-con when he tried to help Sumi find a relief from his heat in the first chapter? Why didn't he try asking if Sumi would be okay with that? And when he stopped helping Sumi, he hasn't even told Sumi the reason up until now. As for Sumi, why did he throw hurtful words like "how nice would it be if you're an alpha?" to Utou? He didn't know Shiratori much, so why bonded with a stranger?
There are many other mistakes they did to the point I get tired of listing them out. But knowing that both did mistakes, why are you guys competing on who suffers the most?

Totally agree with you i'm UtouSumi shipper forever and ever, even de japanese readers loves them and ask sensei how much they need to suffer to be happy... If sumi suffer Utou too, why people don't understand that... and now at vol 3 it is the climax ther'es no way another person appears this is the climax so.
Now i want to know how breakes bond works and i alway thought karasuma is gonna be a important character here because for me he knows about that, he even mention to takaba how weaks bonds are... so i always have high hopes for them.
i just want both of them be happy that's all and know about that past from shiratori.
Next month chapter 12 is gonna be release i guess it is gonna be about shiratori past.

Exactly!!! Thanks!! At first I found Sumi a bit annoying too, but just untill the 2/3th chapter?! How can they not see his character's development?? He made giant strides, he always tried to do his best, he doesn't deserve this.
And do you know what I hate the most? Everyone ignores what Sumi is going through, and this makes them really not empathetic, because even if it's fiction, we are still talking about serious problems (apart omegaverse haha) and they are here just to say "i hate sumi bla bla bla" without even explanation and without trying to understand his situation
I won't let them insult my baby Sumi! BUT i don't care, because we will win and they will stay together!! (≧∀≦)

me too girl! for the very beginning I ship them so much and after everything that happened, I want them together even more >_<
I was sure Keri-sensei would have done something about breaking the bond, and I'm really curious about it.
so the next chapter will be released in October?! oh my god, I didn't know, thanks for the great news!!! *_*
I think Shiratori's past would be interesting, since chapter 11 was out in Japan (some months ago) I was extremely curios about his past

That's exactly what I want to say! I didn't write my comment to defend Sumi and say he's totally right or to compete with others, I wanted to try to clarify some things and make open the eyes of the people who don't want to see the situation as it really is (i don't know if I can say "make the eyes open" because english is not my language, sorry~)
because basically 80% of them are hate comments, they didn't even give a reason or trying to explain why one would suffer more and the other less.
As you said, they are both suffering, it's not a question of who is more guilty, but both of them have done somethin wrong and now they're suffering :( now I just hope they will be happy soon! I believe in Keri-sensei! xD

haha it's okay, English isn't my first language either!
To be honest, I don't mind if they're gonna hate a character. There are some people who just... hate a character for no reason. But I can't stand it if they gotta be loud about it like, no one wants to know your hatred towards a character and you can keep it to yourself right? But the worst thing is to spread false info about a character, for example, saying that Sumi "betrayed" Utou. Where does that come from? Since they're not even in a relationship. Are we reading the same manga LMAO

As someone who is an utou fan.. I think the dislike towards sumi just comes from following utou from the beginning. Being in love with the first omega that was stolen from him. Only for him to fall in love with another omega and that omega deciding to pair with someone else. It’s not his fault he is a beta and can’t bond with them. And the omegas knows this.. and still end up with an alpha despite any sort of feelings they have or don’t have towards utou. It’s like both of them didn’t mind using him for their needs at the time.. but once “their alpha” shows up he gets discarded. Hence the betrayal comments. I don’t think anyone forgets the fact that utou hurt sumi.. but he was also guarded given that sumi is an omega.. and he just lost the first omega at the time. I’m not saying he was right. Given that miscommunication in BL is a plague in itself amongst all these mangas. But to have to watch another alpha steal your omega again is quite the blow. We also know sumi is hurting. But you also don’t go and bond with the first alpha that helps you. He doesn’t know the guy well and bonded anyways. Did he really think that would solve or help anything. You can’t lust for one person.. and give your heart to another. And on top of that the alpha is somone utou knows.. so it’s once again being paraded in his face that sumi has bonded with someone that’s not him. And it’s not fair that sumi can’t get over utou.. and shows affection.. hurtin* utou all over again.. bc at the end of the day and omegas body will reject others that aren’t their bonded pair. So it’s not like they can physically be together if sumi left his alpha. So it would just be better if sumi just starts to fall for his pair and utou finally get someone who won’t leave him for an alpha. I shipped these two in the beginning.. and even through all their debacles I was there until he was bitten. It’s not an easy thing to just get over if decided if he left the alpha. In my thoughts that’s why sumi is taking most of the hate. We have followed utou for longer so we have come to love his character. I don’t hate sumi character I think he is very lovable tsunderes are my fav.. and even when they are a bit broken they tend to pull at my heart strings, so I do want him to be happy. But I can’t stand him being torn between his body and his heart. I don’t think he should have bonded whatsoever. I don’t care if he had sex with someone else while he was down. But bonding with the first alpha non the less is a bit much. And now that he is starting to sympathize with his alpha he should just sway that way fully. Given that his body is already there.

I can just naturally assume that we all followed Utou since the beginning hence we are reading this series, to watch his happy ending. even tho sumi was just introduced now and we knew Utou longer doesn't make it more easier to hate on sumi if both messed up. going back to the kurusuma thing, you can't lose an omega that you have never confessed to or tried putting yourself out there for. Utou had an inferior complex about being a beta for a while, where it came from, I am not sure, but that's probably why he didn't confess to kurusuma.
regarding the sumi and Shiratori thing. that's why the initial person who wrote this thread said its best to understand what sumi went through. sumi was raped, yes. and this is the first time an alpha has been nice to him after the incident and went out of the way to help him and not join in on the rape (Shira) that is. so its understandable that he trusted him and relied on him. sumi didn't lust after him, he relied on his bite to solve his heat problems and Shiratori agreed. therefore it does solve the MAJOR issue people seem to forget, which is sumi is already taking the strongest medications and even that is not working. even kurusuma heats are less severe, hence people like him can bond with betas. sumi is on a whole different level and tbh he is busting his balls to pay for those medications that don't even work.
kurusama yes, may have used Utou for his reliefs, but lets not forget that the one who initiated the relationship between Utou and sumi, was in fact utou. sumi wanted no part of it in chapter 1, because he was traumatized. he eventually started relying on him and liking him without him noticing, but Utou decided to pull the plug.
So, that is why readers like me and OP, are confused with the unnecessary sumi hate because they both caused and had misunderstandings, but shifting the blame is pointless. we all KNOW they are gong to end up together and we want that. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

since many of the readers have been reading since the very first volume already, i think we should've acknowledged that Utou had never put 100% effort in reaching out to somebody. Some people might say that it was because he was rejected by the first omega that he became insecure about his gender, but what about all the things before that? It's true that he'd been helping Karasuma for so many years in the past, but why didn't he try looking deeper into what the omega had been struggling with? All of those years he spent, man.... And now the same thing happened between him and Sumi, and it shows since the first chapter where he didn't think of finding out about Sumi's circumstances before touching him. Utou even admitted that he'd been turning a blind eye to Sumi's darkness and struggles... was it chapter 8? it's during their argument after Utou saw the mark on Sumi's neck.
Yeah Sumi is frustrating sometimes, and he did make a rash decision for bonding with someone that is technically a stranger. But do consider that he's always driven into the corner since he faces so much hardships, such as his super strong heats, being regarded as Karasuma's replacement in the company, Utou suddenly stopping his aid without explaining shit to him. What u need to hate on is the director Hio for the shitty working environment he makes, and how the kuruboku verse doesn't accommodate to omegas with strong heats. Seriously, if various levels of heat exist among omegas, then there should be a wide range of meds that manage all heat levels. What the hell with "incurable heat" like the one in this series, an omega's heat isn't a disease smh.

First of all, thank you for your reply, as I said I just want to exchange opinions and I'm glad that you gave me an explanation of you point of view!
I agree with you, and it may not seem like it from my initial post, but I love Utou, he's one of my favorite seme and he doesn't deserve to suffer again for an omega who leaves him for an alpha...You said "Both of them didn't mind using their time needs ... but once their alpha shows up he gets discarded".
In my opinion this applies only for the first omega, Karasuma, because actually Sumi wasn't willing to find "his" alpha, he doesn't believe in the alpha-omega destiny and he said it right away, it was Shiratori (chapter 5 or 6) who said "hurry up and find a mate", so everything was concocted/planned from the start by Shiratori. I'm sad everyone blames Sumi for the bond with the alpha. As if his mistake was not forgivable and for this he must suffer. Just because, from exasperation, he wanted to find freedom from his situation, he no longer wanted to be a burden to Utou (also considering that Utou rejected him) and not be constantly in danger.
as @THEQUEEN said, I just wanted to invite everyone to understand Sumi's situation a little more... He's young, maybe around 20, a broken heart, a bad family situation and he's always in danger for the heat, and therefore when a good alpha appears he decides to ask him to pair with him. Yeah, he repents immediately. We all made mistakes in our lives, who didn't? And now everyone is here to judge what Sumi did, impulsively, in exasperation. Everybody said "Sumi wasn't supposed to do it, Sumi was wrong, now he made a mistake and it serves him right, he had to think about it, now he pays the consequences." Maybe I'm the only one who think "Sumi made a mistake but I hope there's a way to break the bond". Why can't Sumi have a second chance?
And last thing. Karasuma also "used" Utou to make sex and controll the heat, and then he paired with the first alpha that came. So even Karasuma would have broken Utou's heart, perhaps without knowing it, and this has fueled Utou's inferiority complex.
Also @windywindy pointed out that probably before Karasuma there were other situations that may have affected Utou's complex. Utou is convinced he cannot compete with alphas. Sumi has nothing to do with the thing Utou-Karasuma, and he's receiving the blame because for the second time Utou doesn't face his fear and he didn't try to do anything

Hi! Thank you for taking my comment into account too :D the thing about Utou's inferiority complex, it might also be a natural thing to occur to betas especially when omegas and alphas are involved. They might be okay in their own group, but when put together with alphas and omegas, they often just act as the side dishes. Sumi also pointed this out in the earlier chapters (2 or 3?) of second volume, that betas always make a face like it doesn't matter to them, like they always stay in the sidelines. Does this ring a bell? :D Also, remember that Hio reminded Utou to find someone within his own class.
Don't all these make u think that the society itself has a specific perception ingrained to it when it comes to beta? Not everyone has that strong of a mental health to break these perceptions, and Utou proved this. Even in the current chapter, even after knowing how shady Shiratori was, Utou said that he believed in Shiratori, which shows how powerless he is against alphas. I really hope that he'd be able to overcome this crisis though. If he overcomes it, that'd be a big character development for him, considering that he's always been cautious about this gender classification all this time (Sumi also pointed this out... was it chapter 8?)

Maybe lust was the wrong choice of words. But quite literally on the last page I believe it was. Sumi said why does his body and his heart or mind want two different things, when asked to go home with Shiratori (or however it’s spelled). Meaning his body craves his alpha and his heart wants utou. As you all feverishly pointed out.. sumi has horrible heats. If utou himself can not help contain them... then it’s best if he just falls for his alpha. Which I already stated. Im not against sumi finding happiness and love but if his alpha can satisfy his bodily needs, and not be a secret jerk.. he could probably win sumi over easily. He won him over easily enough to bond with him.. and sumi was worried enough to check on his well being in the elevator.. enough circumstances like that can lead to more than a sex friend type relationship. Following most BL predecessors.
I want to see utou happy as well. I don’t think he deserves to be constantly reminded that sumi new alpha is a business partner. And will have to witness the two of them together. I personally think utou needs to find someone that the potential of loosing is small. Like a beta or even an alpha. Bc it’s quite a-parent that betas and omegas have a harder time making a match.
Pretty sure after reading so many of these types of mangas. That the bond is a hard thing to break. The omega suffers the most. Their bodies reject the touch of other men, if broken by force I think some have stated there is mental damage to the omega, death was apart of some, that or the alpha needs to die..depends on the author. Not saying this author couldn’t add in some non horrible way of bond scrubbing.. but given most mangas way of going about things.. sumi is bound to suffer quite a bit. And being with utou still won’t solve his heat problem.
As for sumi making a “mistake” as mentioned above... there is sleeping with someone and bonding with someone. Two different things in my opinion. Sleep with an alpha I don’t care if it helps contain that heat one month that good.. or make an agreement that the alpha will sleep with you during your heats like utou did with the first omega. Given that alphas can contain an omegas heat better, and all that’s fine when your trying to run away from the person who gave you mixed signals. But bonding in most omegaverses is a permanent thing, not something you can be like oh well it was a youthful indiscretion.. now if it was a forceful rape than we would be having a completely different discussion. How do you explain to anyone really.. that in your desperation you bonded with a random alpha to control your heat.. but want no relationship with him outside of the controlling heat aspect.. and be like well it was a mistake.. I’ve been in love with you more so please over look this bite mark that may never be erased. And even if it does get removed. It doesn’t erase what happened. Then you got to pray that utou is capable of looking past all that, it doesn’t erase all the hurt sumi has done to utou. Just like the hurt utou has caused wont be erased either. Either way if these two do end up together like all y’all want.. there is still a lot more suffering that will take place first. And I still don’t know if you can truly call it a happy ending.

we all love these idiots. you are the first Utou fan to state there opinion in a calm and respectable tone. some people just jump down peoples throat. you also look at both sides of characters. I respect that ヾ(☆▽☆).
contrary to what you believe, I want Utou and sumi to end up together. like this the first omega Utou is fighting for and that he means he really loves him. so if they don't end up together they would both suffer.

I think I understand your frustration about the "mistake" of bonding with someone. because let's remember that essentially, when an alpha and omega are paired, their bond is deeper than family and spouses. Ethically it's wrong for you to share spiritual like that with someone just because you want to escape yourself from a difficult situation. The same thing goes to the person who agrees to help that person escape by bonding with him. Sure you could say that it's the omega's means of survival (I pointed this out in the thread), but deep inside, are you really happy with this superficial relationship under the guise of "bonded pairs"? I'm asking this for both Sumi and Shiratori.
Even in real life, this kind of marriage happens and yeah... it's kinda sad.... Anyway, thank you for making this thread a wholesome one! we should have more discussions like this. :)
I really don't understand the people who "I hate Sumi, you shitty omega!! I really hope Utou and Sumi don't end up together!!!"
First of all, if you hate the omega so much, drop this manga because it's clear we will have a happy ending with Utou and Sumi, so stop reading it otherwise it would only bother you that they end up together!
However, I come in peace, I don't want to impose my opinion, I just want to reason together, even if I know that there will be someone who will hate me...
I don't take the side of either of them. I think both of Utou and Sumi have done something wrong in this situation and obviously there was no communication between them.
I don't want to justify Sumi with what I'm going to say, but this hate towards Sumi is really excessive!
I'd like to mention that it was Utou who first started their "relationship" without even explanations; then he ended up saying that he would never touch him again and Sumi probably thought Utou didn't want help him anymore.
What did Sumi do to be hated so much?
Let's put aside his personality, a bit tsundere, not too likeable, which you may like or not, I understand this point. Sumi fell in love with Utou and confessed his feelings, but Utou had not yet realized how he felt about Sumi, he didn't say anything, he didn't even give him an answer (!). For Sumi it was a rejection and also a confirmation of his fear, the fact he was a replacement in Utou's heart. Try to immagine: the person you love rejects you and in your workplace you are like a replacement, would you be happy? Uhm...
It seems that no one is comprehensive towards him.
He has a bad family situation, he needs money, his heat can't be stopped with suppressors and this constantly puts him in danger. I think Sumi couldn't afford to be weak in this whole situation, which is why he is arrogant at first, because he literally didn't have anyone. And in this shitty situation ONE person helped him (Utou) but then he turned away without explaining and also "rejecting" him.
Returning to the present, the bond with Shiratori was indeed a mistake, made by the impulsiveness of the moment, because he was broken, he had nothing, not even the person he loves. For this shit, he decided to mate with the first person who was kind to him and helped him. Yes, Sumi made this mistake, mostly because Shiratori is really a asshole and he has only a grudge against Utou, but what would you have done in Sumi's place? I would like you all try to put yourself in his shoes.
Yes, that last sentence was deadly, Sumi shouldn't have said it and it'is obvious he regrets so much the pair with Shiratori, that bastard.
"Sumi is hurting Utou" ... but sorry, do you think Sumi didn't suffer?!
You all only know how to say "I hate Sumi" "I don't want them together" or "at this point I don't mind if they don't end together", just because you don't like his character. And you pretend not to see the shit Sumi is going through.
Utou is really one of the best characters of all time, I love him too, he doesn't deserve to suffer, but neither does Sumi.
Now I'd like to know your point of view, with a valid explanation because I can't accept these sentences without reason.