So my theory is...

torride September 17, 2019 5:00 pm

So basically, the uke was set up to meet an enigma who will transform into an omega so he loses his hard earned place in his adopted family cause the dick black haired son knew his father favored the uke more, so now he sets up his adopted brother to transform from an alpha into an omega so he could take control of their family business and fortune.... Fucking seme ruined everything the uke worked hard for, just because he's holding a childhood grudge. What the fuck asshole! (︶︿︶)=凸

    takame September 17, 2019 5:19 pm

    i agree. i can't wait how the mangaka will justify all this like the seme loves the uke or something. he better help uke regain what we (seme) fucked up

    torride September 17, 2019 5:35 pm
    i agree. i can't wait how the mangaka will justify all this like the seme loves the uke or something. he better help uke regain what we (seme) fucked up takame

    My dramatic ass was imagining this::

    So asshole seme helps uke get his rightful place back in the company by transforming the uke into an alpha again and also helping the uke expose the brother who plotted to kill their dad, everything is righted but then the seme and uke later finds out uke was actually pregnant by the seme when he was transgormed into an omega briefly, and due to the alpha re-transformation, the uke loses the baby.... And it fucked up the seme, and the uke never forgave him for all the shit he put him through. The end.

    ...but das just my imagination. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    MargeTheFujoshi September 17, 2019 6:36 pm
    My dramatic ass was imagining this::So asshole seme helps uke get his rightful place back in the company by transforming the uke into an alpha again and also helping the uke expose the brother who plotted to ki... torride

    I wish it’ll end like that. Bastard seme shouldn’t be forgiven. But he prolly will be. It’s an omegaverse yaoi after all

    Alice September 17, 2019 6:59 pm

    Uke doesn't even remember that he's adapted. He told him not to forget their promise and he holded to it so much but he forgot the promise, orphanage and him. Uke is an a asshole here

    FuOAyMe September 17, 2019 7:07 pm
    Uke doesn't even remember that he's adapted. He told him not to forget their promise and he holded to it so much but he forgot the promise, orphanage and him. Uke is an a asshole here Alice

    i know right in the end they’re both at fault *rolls eyes*

    MargeTheFujoshi September 17, 2019 7:08 pm
    Uke doesn't even remember that he's adapted. He told him not to forget their promise and he holded to it so much but he forgot the promise, orphanage and him. Uke is an a asshole here Alice

    Yes but that doesn’t warrant revenge in the form of turning him into an omega. Seme could’ve been like “hey I’m so and so from the orphanage. Remember me?” And if Uke didn’t then they could just start over as friends then upgrade to lovers eventually. The roundabout way Seme has taken to get Uke is way to heartless

    takame September 17, 2019 10:13 pm
    My dramatic ass was imagining this::So asshole seme helps uke get his rightful place back in the company by transforming the uke into an alpha again and also helping the uke expose the brother who plotted to ki... torride

    i kind of doubt that the seme would turn the guy back as alpha tho. but i think it will interest me if even as an uke the family business would still fall to his hands. as long as the slag older brother was gotten rid off.

    Aria September 17, 2019 11:02 pm

    How tf did you figure this all out xT

    Alextheaveragetrap September 18, 2019 8:55 am
    Uke doesn't even remember that he's adapted. He told him not to forget their promise and he holded to it so much but he forgot the promise, orphanage and him. Uke is an a asshole here Alice

    Children forget things all the time, he had an image to keep up and probably didn’t remember the boy since years went past. Even so, he shouldn’t be raped and changed into a omega because someone feelings hurt about something from 20 years ago.

    yu8sok September 18, 2019 11:30 am
    My dramatic ass was imagining this::So asshole seme helps uke get his rightful place back in the company by transforming the uke into an alpha again and also helping the uke expose the brother who plotted to ki... torride

    Omg this is epic imagination xD

    torride September 18, 2019 12:50 pm
    Children forget things all the time, he had an image to keep up and probably didn’t remember the boy since years went past. Even so, he shouldn’t be raped and changed into a omega because someone feelings h... Alextheaveragetrap

    Agree. If I forgot I owed a childhood friend 20 bucks and forgot to pay for it even though I promised to pay, then he butt fucks me after 10-20 years later? the fuck was it my fault I forgot to pay 20 bucks? ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ 20 bucks?? really?

    butt fuck = forgot to pay 20 bucks?

    it's kinda funny and comical to even warrant such 'revenge' for just 20 bucks, but that's what username 'Alice' argument sounds like to me. lol.

    torride September 18, 2019 12:51 pm
    How tf did you figure this all out xT Aria

    from the last chapter, read it again and you will see the author was giving subtle revelations based from the scenes and dialogues.

    torride September 18, 2019 12:51 pm
    Omg this is epic imagination xD yu8sok

    too much telenovelas, that's where it all came from.

    bg28 September 18, 2019 3:03 pm
    Agree. If I forgot I owed a childhood friend 20 bucks and forgot to pay for it even though I promised to pay, then he butt fucks me after 10-20 years later? the fuck was it my fault I forgot to pay 20 bucks? ... torride

    ROFL!! You probably just gave a few author wannabes some ideas for their next story.

    Alice September 24, 2019 7:53 pm
    Children forget things all the time, he had an image to keep up and probably didn’t remember the boy since years went past. Even so, he shouldn’t be raped and changed into a omega because someone feelings h... Alextheaveragetrap

    if it was me i would beat him to death not just rape him (even tho i really don't want him to and want to see them being a cute couple) i can get quite agressive if someone try to hurt me or if things aren't going my way .... no wonder i was kicked outta school and my house as well ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Alextheaveragetrap September 25, 2019 6:20 am
    if it was me i would beat him to death not just rape him (even tho i really don't want him to and want to see them being a cute couple) i can get quite agressive if someone try to hurt me or if things aren't go... Alice

    You need therapy. Or the cops called on you to put you under surveillance, that isn’t good that you’re that vindictive against things not going your way. It’s life, you’ll hurt and things won’t go your way. You can’t be everyone and it’ll always be someone more unstable than you. Not only for others safety, YOUR safety is needed. If you have a history of violence, someone could possibly rid you of life and your history would make it seem like self defense.

    torride September 25, 2019 1:05 pm
    You need therapy. Or the cops called on you to put you under surveillance, that isn’t good that you’re that vindictive against things not going your way. It’s life, you’ll hurt and things won’t go you... Alextheaveragetrap

    Or just an unchecked teenager letting out angst anonymously on the internet. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Alextheaveragetrap September 25, 2019 2:17 pm
    Or just an unchecked teenager letting out angst anonymously on the internet. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ torride

    Maybe, but if they’re already that disturbed that they’re kicked out of school and their home. They may need to seek help because they don’t seem to feel remorse. Killing someone for forgetting you?

    torride September 25, 2019 4:55 pm
    Maybe, but if they’re already that disturbed that they’re kicked out of school and their home. They may need to seek help because they don’t seem to feel remorse. Killing someone for forgetting you? Alextheaveragetrap

    I don't think she's gonna start shooting a school ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Alextheaveragetrap September 26, 2019 5:51 am
    I don't think she's gonna start shooting a school ( ̄∇ ̄") torride

    Never said that she would, i’m saying she’s disturbed. I put nothing past anyone on the internet.