OOOORRRR people are allowed to share their opinion and its technically your opinion that they're rude which doesn't make them objectively rude. When will some people learn that disliking something and expressing that dislike isn't rude.

I don't think, that those people meant to be rude ... everybody has their right to have their own oppinion ... honestly if i were an artist i would want to hear about my readers opinion, so that i can improve
In this case ... i think because of the sudden entrance of 2 side couples with the main couple not being together yet and us having to keep up with all their stories is confusing for everyone ... it's just too much at once ... so don't be so harsh to them (unless they really are insulting the artist)

In all fairness, just because one puts a lot of work into something doesn't mean it should automatically get praise. Her "job" as a writer is to efficiently convey the message clearly to her audience and clearly she hasn't done that which is why people are expressing their rightful disappointment. You saying "I bet this part makes sense" is really just a way of saying well nothing makes sense right now BUUUUTTTT this author is funny, she seems nice--basically throwing all sorts of irrelevant excuses to I guess give her the benefit of the doubt. People disliking what she has done with this is simply saying objectively regardless of how much work she put in, the resulting work isn't that great, therefore I dislike this. "Make sense for some reason and we'll understand later" is just a poor excuse for bad writing because if it were good writing, most readers would be able to get the gist of the importance of these said side characters but so far they have not been important to the plot whatsoever and has not been built up for anyone to develop an attachment to them.

well a lot of good mangas had a confusing part that we only understood what happened after, i think it's a chance for readers make theories of what's going on. i know many people doesn't like this couple, but i think it's very important to show another ways we can find love in a disturbing world. it's okay people are missing main couple and this this normal, i often feel this in shungiku nakamura's mangas. therefore i don't agree that lowering them is a good way to show this.

Its not even about the alternate perspective the side couple could propose but rather most readers can't develop an emotional attachment to characters we don't know. The author has not done a good job in introducing them, in delving into their characters (personalities), and overall what they add to the story. Yea a manga can have a confusing part but this is more than just a part. She has continuously made chapters that could be summarized in 1 or 2 Sentence that add NOTHING to the plot. People keep mentioning more development for side couples but can you honestly tell me anything more abstract about uncle or Qiu (whatever his name is) besides their stereotypical attributes? Moreover showing different ways to find love is not a really important theme or message. She had started this manhua to be about Lihuan and Yuyang SOLEY and if I remember correctly in a Q&A she pondered about adding side couples and it clearly shows she added them last minute.

Understandably, if one does not like a piece of work, they are not going to give praise to it or its creator, but you should still respect the author for the effort they are putting into providing their readers with SOMETHING to read (how much you bet that if there weren't any new chapters, everyone would start complaining about that too?). Likewise, people are- of course- entitled to their own opinion and the expression of said opinion; however, there is a fine line between giving proper feedback/sharing your opinion on current matters and flat out insulting an author for their work.

i've thought about this for a little while, and maybe the author is purposely stretching things out like this ?? she did say she was struggling with the current script but maybe feeling the gap between lihuan and yuyang will help us better understand their current situation, yknow?
and about the people commenting on the side characters, i get that some comments could be used to better what's going on in the story, but there are some people who are just taking it too far

i'm pretty "go-with-the-flow" when it comes to mangas, so i haven't really thought about whether there is something the side couples are leading up to or not alkfsnf i like your way of thinking tho, it leaves room for a reader to think about what's going on and make predictions, which may even lead to ideas on new stories ;)

Still the author could have done that with just one side couple ... i understand what you mean, but 2 side couples being introduced at the same time and have their storys being told and the main couple still having to sort out their feelings is so much information at once that people won't be able to bond with those side couples or feel with them
you guys are so damn rude :( if you have an issue with how things are going, keep it to your damn self. i mean, you try creating a manga on your own ?
plus, idk if you've already forgotten, but lihuan is taking time away yuyang - the side stories are supposed to fill that gap.