So I feel depressed cause my friends (not really) never invite me when they go out having...

Anonymous September 16, 2019 6:41 pm

So I feel depressed cause my friends (not really) never invite me when they go out having fun I’m always an outcast when we have to do group projects of 4 people example I’m the 5th so I’m always left out and people said that they can’t stand me soooo now I started to always go to the bathroom an be therer the whole break alone like a loser I tried to make friends from other classes but cause people have been talking behind my Back (not first time) I feel really insecure and got social anxiety and I just can’t . my school year started of shitty and I don’t want to end up with no friends uhhhh I feel really shitty and I cry every day Like a baby sorry for ranting about my stupid problems

    ●~beyou~● September 16, 2019 6:55 pm

    deal with it

    Yuki September 16, 2019 7:09 pm

    I don't know if this will help you. But I used to feel like that too. Eventually I learned that when you love yourself then you don't really care what other people think about you. Just think that you are the best, if nobody cares for you then that's their loss. You shouldn't care about those who don't care about you. When life throws you a lemon, make a lemon juice out of it haha.

    M.T September 16, 2019 7:10 pm

    Oof...I feel your pain. I just learned to accept it. I am a very misunderstood person. I have a bitch resting face so a lot of times people think I'm angry or something...My friends (well more like acquaintances) get annoyed sometimes because I had this habit of being unable to control the volume of my voice whenever I'm really happy about talking about something. It's a struggle...Hang in there.

    Kai September 16, 2019 7:24 pm

    idk but its a presumption,maybe you perhaps expect people to suddenly care about you.Like you recently became acquainted with this person and you expect them to add you to their hanging out occasion,Nope.Or you are kinda clingy Not being cocky,I'm being genuine.People are mostly shitty and I'm being honest not cynical,no one gives a fuck about anyone they just want company so people dont take them as a loner.But I'm not saying everyone is shitty,kind people exists and to find these type of people you have to be one yourself.There are quotes like,"Be the person you want to meet" and "Kill 'em with kindness" So I would tell ya to do these---

    1.) Be kind but not naive (like keep the devil inside,it'll always be there you can't get rid of it..Ofc show it when someone needs a glimpse of it)

    2.)Change things about yourself (not for others but for yourself,add qualities that would make you say,"Nah I'm faar better than that bitch") so that you can take pride on your personality

    3.) Learn to be a lonewolf.I miss being a loner,I swear...I wanna go back to that phase because being with people really ruins your vibe.Make people wanna be friends with you not the other way around.Also dont act clingy or dont just agree with everything they say.

    4.) Learn to make people laugh,because it makes you happy too.And people who can make others laugh are attractive.

    5.)Accept your silly or goofy side,dont be afraid to show it to people,because there's no harm in being a bit silly

    Idk these are just sth I'd tell myself.If you dont like em,avoid em..All's upto you.Hope it sorta helped..Peace~! (=^-^=)v

    Kai September 16, 2019 7:32 pm

    P.S... Respect to everyone who replied to this thread (except me ofc! xD) which restored my faith in humanity.I love and respect ya'll <3 (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    itsynhimvu September 16, 2019 8:24 pm

    It's going to be hella hard, but it takes a lot of practice. It sounds like you're still trying to figure yourself out. Look, don't do things to just please people. Do things because you want to. If you are kind, don't always expect to get something in return. It'll just stress you out even more. Do what you gotta do with you're work and keep your head up. People tend to flock toward a genuine person, bc they see your worth. And those who treat you right and give you a shoulder to lean on, those are the people you want to surround yourself with. Basically just be a good person. No matter if someone beats you down, you gotta get yourself up. In the end, you're biggest enemy is yourself. You can become your ultimate bully bc you know how to tear yourself up. Don't let it get that far.

    Those who matter don't mind, those who mind don't matter. Good luck in finding yourself boo.

    Mavikelebek September 16, 2019 8:25 pm

    İ was using whelchair today . As a first day of university i embarrassed when all people start to look at me slowly sitting my chair. I just temporary hurt my leg but still i musnt us it. I was always so social but today despite i tried my best i felt distance between us. I mean when class was locked sand everybody was waiting nobody come next to me to talk. I was in whelchair and couldn't go that freely. But i won't give up. I will best to find friend . And you have opportunity to walk toward them unlike me. Go ahead ! I don't know how much close friend you will find but even one will change your life

    cheesecake September 16, 2019 8:51 pm

    oh I had that exact thing happen to me, I decided to leave them after it caused me to have a breakdown at school

    Anonymous September 16, 2019 10:07 pm
    deal with it ●~beyou~●

    What a heartless bitch you are. Your mommy and daddy must be damn proud of ya. I hope when you have a problem, someone tells you to ''deal with it'''.

    ●~beyou~● September 17, 2019 2:28 am
    What a heartless bitch you are. Your mommy and daddy must be damn proud of ya. I hope when you have a problem, someone tells you to ''deal with it'''. @Anonymous

    thank you!!!! they always do and that's how i fix my life problems
    dealing with them without having to ask strangers for "help" bc my "friends" don't give a fuck about me.
    please, grow up.