There is a difference between complain and critiquing. You can appreciate the author's work and still have issues within the work. No body of work is perfect. That's what's wrong with people nowadays. The world is so filled with yes men. The writing hasn't been the best lately and suddenly cutting the main couple out of the story and bring in a secondary couple with little to no information is something to critique about. When the editor and the chinese audience has the same issues as others, the you know it is a problem.
I like Uncle Pan and would love to see more of his story, but now really isn't the best time for it. Suddenly dropping Yuyang and Lihuan's story at such a important moment was such a strange choice. Readers do not have to support every single choice an author makes. As long as they are not rude or attacking the author, readers should be free to comment on the story.
I really can't believe that people willing like to complain about the storyline about uncle and kid. You guys please appreaciate the author hard worked. I'm so sick to heard you guys complain so much. Just wait,then about the main couple storyline. Be supportive