You didn't ask me , but in my case I'm following this story in spanish ...and that guy is a real pice of shit ....he's the worst . You can see it for yourself here :

Bro if you are an extreme masochist that loves mental and bodily pain and feels best when you are at the verge of insanity in some form, sure i can understand. but no matter how good someone looks and how good he is during sex (when he is not violent and hurts you/rapes you), you run away if he is abusive...what the heck...how old are you ?

What is wrong with you? I am seriously curious. Did you read this at all? He first beat him up like hell, then without consent and without any preparation (you have to prepare the ass for anyone, no matter if female or male or it will rip and can cause serious consequences and hurts unimaginably) and raped him. Also he was not short on verbal abuse. And you think we do not know enough to declare him as someone yous houdl definitely turn over to the police and put him in prison at least 2 years with heavy psychological treatment? What the hell do you think a humans freedom is worth? How much are you worth in your eyes to see this as some minor issue to put asside for looks and some sweet words afterwards and a sad story to cover it up? I am a psychology student. Yes, I have sympathy with criminals. But that does not mean you should excuse their behaviour. You have to treat them and make it so they no longer put others in danger until they are fully sane and empathetic or may be never. Cause there are souls that are so broken, no matter if they are the sweetest cinnamon buns when they are in a good mood, you can never fully "repair" them. Just ease their pain and safe others from their bad mood. If you ever have a lover, that bad mouths you, without seriously talking with you about it later and apologizing (and never doing it again later), a lover that so much as slap you, but that is not an accident (like a fly on your face), or force you to sex that even hurts......you have to break up. If you value yourself even a little and know what real love is. Because that is not love. Never. And you should never excuse someone like that. Because that just means you are addicted to that delusion and you need help yourself. It would mean you are a victim of abusive love. (No matter if it is verbal abuse, physical abuse etc.). Man....it turned out into a lecture, i gotta stop...But some kids know how to press my buttons sheeesh

Ok. Than alright. It just sounded like you knew that raw already. Because up until the raw, there was not much knowledge about who that guy is and what he is to the mc. Sorry for my missunderstanding. But I at least hope that if there are others who really still think he is alright, read my lecture and may be think about it more rational haha. I am happy to hear, that you see it this way too with domestic violence :) But please do not see this as some kind of patronization or anything. It was just a human soul worrying about another :) There are too many souls that are being poisened and overseen, so we should all stick up for another to prevent stuff like that violent blond prick :)
WAIT WAIT WAIT.. he's running away from a guy like that ????