The hiatus is already over, it ended this week. The translator changed and that's why there has been no update yet.
During those two weeks there was also no one in the topic section freaking out because of it. Nobody was really complaining about the hiatus, some even considered it to be a good thing.
That's old news and has nothing to do with the webtoon (I assume you're talking about the VPN problem). It's just about her social media presence since services like Twitter are blocked in China and therefor can only be accessed with the help of a VPN.
She doesn't have the same problem with her publisher though since it's published on a popular Chinese website.
It's fine to be attached to the story and characters and want to see it progress quickly, but let's not start throwing hands at the author and at each other. There are works that get updated once every blue moon or disappear for years before someone else picks them up. They're only taking a few weeks off for their own well-being, not shutting down the whole project. Come on people. Chill. There is plenty manga/manhua/manhwa that gets updated on the regular. Go read something else. If you get so irritated about slow updates then simply stick to completed works.